28 July 2015

28 July 2015

The next Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP WG teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday 28 July 2015 at 1400 UTC (07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET).

For other times http://tinyurl.com/q62blwv 

Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ppsai/ 

MP3 Recording: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ppsa-28jul15-en.mp3

Meeting Transcript: http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/transcript-ppsai-28jul15-en.pdf


Graeme Bunton ­ RrSG

Val Sherman ­ IPC

Kathy Kleiman ­ NCSG

Alex Deacon ­IPC

Stephanie Perrin ­ NCSG

Phil Corwin ­ BC

Terri Stumme ­ BC

James Bladel ­ RrSG

Todd Williams ­ IPC

Paul McGrady ­ IPC

Vicky Sheckler ­ IPC

Volker Greimann - RrSG

Lindsay Hamilton-Reid ­ RrSG

Griffin Barnett- IPC

David Cake - NCSG

Sara Bockey ­ RrSG

Don Blumenthal ­ RySG 

Dick Leaning - Individual

Roger Carney - RrSG

Susan Prosser - RrSG

Kiran Malancharuvil- IPC



Frank Michlick ­ Individual

Michele Neylon ­ RrSG

James Gannon ­ NCUC

Holly Raiche ­ ALAC

Steve Metalitz – IPC


ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Amy Bivins

Stephen Miller

Nathalie Peregrine 


 Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 28 July 2015

   Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to the PPSAI WG call on the 28th July 2015

  Volker A. Greimann:I can hear a Canadian

  Graeme Bunton:We'll get going in about 2 mins i think

  Graeme Bunton:Also, welcome back Dick, that was a short retirement!

  Dick Leaning:Thank you - it was good while it lasted - golf is over rated

  James Bladel:Yeah, but if it goes too long, throw it away outside.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Steve Metalitz is an apology for today's call

  Kathy:@Graeme, will we be posting a list of current subteam members?

  Mary Wong:@Kathy they are on the WG wiki page

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Chris Pelling has joined the AC room


  Chris Pelling:Sorry for my tardiness

  Kathy:Hi Chris!

  Chris Pelling:Hey Kathy

  Mary Wong:Each of the 4 existing Sub Teams has its own wiki space (see left hand menu):https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/2gHQBg

  Mary Wong:I'm used to LOTS of emails by now :) :)

  Sara Bockey:Mary, I would like to volunteer for Group 1 (1.3.2) and Group 3 (Annex E).  Can you add me to those?

  Mary Wong:@Sara, thanks

  Val Sherman:A sub list would be fine by me

  James Bladel:No opposition

  Kathy Kleiman:No, mailing list sounds good

  Lindsay Hamilton-Reid:Fine by me too

  Mary Wong:OK we'll get cracking

  Susan Prosser:@Mary, I can join 1.3.3

  Kathy Kleiman:@Graeme, you make it sound exciting - I'll volunteer for 1.3.3 and Annex E.

  Mary Wong:@Susan, ok thanks!

  Lindsay Hamilton-Reid:I can also join 1.3.3

  Mary Wong:Thanks, all

  Lindsay Hamilton-Reid:Thanks Graeme :-)

  Val Sherman:Doodle poll?

  Nathalie  Peregrine:David Cake has joined the AC room

  Nathalie  Peregrine:No one on the audio bridge who is not already in the AC room

  Mary Wong:Note that on the current Work Plan, each Sub Team is slated to do a preliminary report (as 1.3.2 is doing this week) and then a "final" report with suggested recommendations/actions for the full WG about 3 weeks following that.

  Vicky Sheckler:apologies - need to step out

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Can you please all mute your phones and AC mics when not speaking? Thank you!

  Dick Leaning:I agree with Stephanie -

  Mary Wong:The Public Comment Review Tool would include all comments pertaining to each recommendation plus (eventually) a General section for those additional topics ID'd by the Sub team for Additional Questions

  Stephanie Perrin:Congratulations Mary!  we dont want to plough through 116 pages

  Mary Wong:And that's only the first 9 recs :)

  Mary Wong:Though quite a few have now been taken on by the Sub Teams,

  Kathy Kleiman:@Mary - tx, a huge amount of work!

  Mary Wong:@Graeme that's correct

  Mary Wong:Yes

  Mary Wong:Hmm I thought it does but maybe that dropped out somehow

  Mary Wong:Will fix

  Kathy Kleiman:@Mary, what does see Note below mean?  Which note?

  Mary Wong:@Kathy, which row number are you referring to?

  Kathy Kleiman:@Mary, I think the "See Note above" in #7 and #8 reference the note in #6??

  Mary Wong:@Kathy, ah, yes

  Kiran Malancharuvil:If we can't figure out what their problem is specifically, how are we supposed to address concerns?

  Mary Wong:@Kiran, hopefully those that DID provide additional comments would be more helpful

  Stephanie Perrin:Kiran,  I think it speaks to the need for more public outreach, explaining the issues.

  Kiran Malancharuvil:Stephanie, that's exactly the conjecture you claim to be against.

  Stephanie Perrin:PUtting things on the ICANN website is not public outreach....when we do outreach on a draft standard in the standards business their is a requirement to post in media where interested persons affected might see it and pay attention....

  James Bladel:If a comment is opposed to proposed changes, without providing alternatives, then that should be construed as support for for status quo.

  Stephanie Perrin:+1 James

  Stephanie Perrin:I will volunteer on 1.3.3

  Kiran Malancharuvil:I'm on 1.3.3 and haven't heard from anyone to organize

  Kiran Malancharuvil:if we do an hour and a half call, can we do a doodle to determine a different time?

  Kiran Malancharuvil:I'm happy to coordinate

  Kiran Malancharuvil:but I can't lead the discussion

  Kiran Malancharuvil:coordinate calls and provide dial in

  Mary Wong:@Kiran I can resend the original template email with the additional new sub team members, while the mailing list is set up

  James Bladel:+1 Kathy.

  James Bladel:Would help keep things straight.

  Stephanie Perrin:great idea, the logistics of keeping all the paper straight are challlenging

  Don Blumenthal:I think that another Doodlel also was requested about  the F2F idea

  Mary Wong:Hopefully the F2F decision can be made this week

  Lindsay Hamilton-Reid:Thanks all!

  Stephanie Perrin:May I suggest that if there is this much interest in the issue, we owe the public a face to face in Dublin

  Kiran Malancharuvil:bye thanks

  Sara Bockey:thank you all!