21 January 2014
The next Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP WG teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday 21st January 2014 at 1500 UTC (07:00 PST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET). For other places see: http://tinyurl.com/kd49khy
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ppsai/
- Roll Call/SOI update
- Finalizing SO/AC letters and SG/C template (brief discussion)
- Mind Map (latest version attached) and WG work plan (main discussion item #1)
- Charter questions and grouping (main discussion item #2)
- Next steps and next meeting
Documents for Review:
Grouping of Charter Questions - 16 Jan 2014
MP3 Recording: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ppsa-20140121-en.mp3
Transcript: http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/transcript-ppsa-21jan14-en.pdf
Don Blumenthal - RySG
Luc Seufer - RrSG
Marie-Laure Lemineur - NPOC
Michele Neylon - RrSG
Volker Greimann - RrSG
Griffin Barnett – IPC
Justin Macy – CBUC
Kathy Kleiman – RySG
Jim Bikoff – IPC
Maria Farrell – NCUC
Graeme Bunton – RrSG
Tatiana Khramstova - RrSG
John Horton – BC
Nic Steinbach – RrSG
Tim Ruiz – RrSG
Roy Balleste – NCUC
David Heasley - IPC
James Bladel - RrSG
Susan Prosser – RrSG
Kiran Malancharuvil – IPC
Gordon Dick – RrSG
David Cake - NCSG
Sarah Wyld – no SOI as of yet
Todd Williams – IPC
Statton Hammock – RySG
Valeriya Sherman – IPC
Alex Deacon – IPC
Steve Metalitz - IPC
Phil Marano – IPC
Amr Elsadr - NCUC
Holly Raiche – ALAC
Gema Campillos – GAC
Osvaldo Novoa - ISPCP
Tobias Sattler – RrSG
Kristina Rosette - IPC
ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Mary Wong
Joe Catapano
Nathalie Peregrine
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 21 January 2014:
Marika Konings:Welcome to the PPSAI Meeting of 21 January 2014
Statton_H (Rightside):Seattle or Denver, people?
Statton_H (Rightside):There is only one right answer....
Michele Neylon:no
Michele Neylon:there's also the "who gives a damn" option
John Horton:Good morning!
Bladel:Don't you open your mouth to me about the Best!
Luc Seufer:Manchester city! (real football)
M:ah... I get it. Munster. The Irish one. Obv.
Bladel:Dont come at me with a weak receiver like Crabtree!
Bladel:(god i love that interview)
Kathy:It's beginning to snow here in DC. If you stop seeing my posts on the list, you'll know I'm buried...
Statton_H (Rightside):"Mediocre." Crabtree is "mediocre" was the quote.
Graeme Bunton:back
Luc Seufer:We'll send you a St Bernard, Kathy
Kathy:With scotch please!
Volker Greimann:just made it
Luc Seufer:deal!
Bladel:No I have to go back and check.
Nathalie Peregrine:Nic Steinbach has also just joined
Tim Ruiz:We could solve the commercial/noncommercial issue with bets on the game?
M:Oh yikes, 'M' is me: Maria Farrell. Sorry, adobe connect has done something odd when I logged in. It's still meeee.......
Nathalie Peregrine:I ll update your name now
M:tks, nathalie
Nathalie Peregrine:Sarah Wyld joined the call
Nathalie Peregrine:Jim Bikoff id on the audio bridge
Nathalie Peregrine:Marie-laure Lemineur has joined the call
Tim Ruiz:I still don't have any control of it.
Nathalie Peregrine:Kiran Malancharuvil has joined the audio bridge
Nathalie Peregrine:David Cake has joined the AC room
Nathalie Peregrine:Please mute your laptop speakers
Mary Wong:If you are having trouble with the AC audio, please use the phone bridge.
Marika Konings:@Kathy - those questions were reviewed and updated based on input received from the GNSO Council prior to adoption
Mary Wong:To confirm: Marika is speaking about the Word document containing the latest (16 Jan) Grouping of Charter questions, incorporating Kathy's, Luc's, John's and others' suggestions as of that date in bullet poiints.
Nathalie Peregrine:Phil Marano ha sjoined the AC room
Mary Wong:We will add that to the WG wiki for your convenience as well.
Nathalie Peregrine:Amr Elsadr has joined the AC room
Mary Wong:It may also be helpful to look at the original Staff Paper of Sept 2013, which sets out all the questions that ultimately became the Charter questions. All of them are correlated in a chart in the staff paper to specific recommendations from prior GNSO and WHOIS RT work that were "left" for the PDP after the close of the RAA negotiations.
Amr Elsadr:Sorry for joining the call so late. Had another call that ran late.
Nathalie Peregrine:Please mute your phone lines and AC mikes as we are getting background noise
Volker Greimann:Steve is hard to hear
Nathalie Peregrine:i have asked the audio operator to boost his line
steve metalitz:Agree with Don these should be on mind map but as staff has done -- as issues under each question.
Maria Farrell:Hi Don, I can't speak into the call so can yo uplease take this as a comment / question: we were invited to edit the documnent and we have done that. It would be disheartening if these aren't reflected in the mind map also.
Marika Konings:@Maria - the initial edits / comments have been reflected (but WG members are invited to add if we've missed any)
Maria Farrell:Our edits are to try and help correct what seem to some of us to be unbalanced questions, and make them more useful. The charter isn't set in stone - if it has less useful aspects then we are trying to fix them
Marika Konings:as said, these have been included in blue (as issues/questions to be considered in relation to each charter question)
Kathy:@ Marika, my edits could not have been reflected in the mind map due to timing
Kathy:So more to do!
Marika Konings:Yes, and that is why we would like to invite everyone to review the document referred to before (which we'll send out again after this call) to add questions / issues to (but not in the form of actual edits to the charter questions)
Marie-laure Lemineur -NPOC:sounds like extra time is needed to add the last edits Kathy sent last night...
Maria Farrell:Can I please have my comments included as I cannot join the queue to speak?
Marika Konings:Mary & I are happy to have a look at the edits Kathy suggested to see if we can translate these to issues / questions, if that is preferred?
steve metalitz:Not clear how examining registrar accreditation process would be within scope -- perhaps Tim could explain further on the list.
Kathy:@Marika, that's a great idea, and I am happy to assist (answer questions, reasoning, etc)
Michele Neylon:What's registrar accreditation got to do with this PDP?
Amr Elsadr:Apologies if I brought up something that was previously discussed. My question is about clarification on context to the questions.
Todd Williams:Agree with Marika: these edits appear to be sub-issues under each question, not new questions.
Maria Farrell:Todd, they are attempts to re-balance questions that are embedded with unbalanced assumptions.
Mary Wong:@Todd, that was what we (staff) were trying to capture - via the latest Grouping document (16 Jan), from which these blue sub-points on the Mind Map were taken.
Todd Williams:Thanks Mary. Yes, I think that's a good idea.
Tim Ruiz:The charter allows for additional "questions" or issues to be asked/raised. So the questions should not be viewed as a closed book.
steve metalitz:Aren't these really questions to ourselves at this point? Issues that we should address in answering the charter questions.
Amr Elsadr:@Steve: Sure, but no harm in getting community input as well.
Tim Ruiz:@Amr, we are not still talking about the letters we are sending, are we?
Kathy:@Don, I'm still confused. Both of the documents we are working on now are foundation documents. Please feel free to note "questions added to charter questions" with a * or other notation. B
Amr Elsadr:@Tim: Aren't we. I pretty much walked into the middle of the converstation. Apologies if I've created any confusion. Had the NCSG monthly call before joining this one.
Kathy:But we need some additional questions... and again we were invited to edit...
Marika Konings:@Kathy - you are invited to add ;-)
Maria Farrell:I thought she already had?
Nathalie Peregrine:Kristina Rosette sends her apology for today's call
Kathy:Tx Marika!
Maria Farrell:Agree with TIm - I am horribly confused at the progress of this discussion.
Amr Elsadr:Apologies to all then. I thought we were talking about the letters.
Mary Wong:All, to clarify - staff will update the Mind Map periodically to reflect changes/updates to the charter and other tasks/questions.
Amr Elsadr:Thanks for the clarification, Tim.
Mary Wong:The document we were referring to is the Grouping of Charter Questions document (16 Jan), which we will upload to the WG wiki so you can download and edit (and upload thereafter).
Nathalie Peregrine:Tobias Sattler is also an apology for today's call
Marika Konings:As said, we'll aim to incorporate Kathy's edits / questions into the word document and send that out to the whole WG for review and other additions / comments
Tim Ruiz:@Amr, no problem, I was confused anyway.
Marika Konings:I'll put up the document we are referring to now
Tim Ruiz:Thanks Mary.
Nathalie Peregrine:Susan Prosser is also on the audio bridge
Kathy:Hi All, this does not include the work done over the weekend and posted yesterday -- overlap of work and people and energy!
Kathy:That's a good problem to have, but I think there is a merger issue involved.
Kathy:Happy to work with Marika and Mary on this..
Mary Wong:@Kathy, thanks. We were not able to incorporate your suggestions from yesterday in time to have the WG review it for today, having sent out the 16 Jan version. As Marika has indicated, we will do so after today and make the revised document available to everyone to review.
Maria Farrell:sorry, items 1, 2 and 3 on what document / agenda?
Graeme Bunton:i believe it is
Maria Farrell:hello? confusion re. what next week is about
Graeme Bunton:The current agenda, Maria
Maria Farrell:is done reading the chat?
Kathy:Tx Don for the discussion!
Maria Farrell:Don, items 1 - 3 on what document are for next week?
Maria Farrell:I CAN"T participate on the phone.....
Maria Farrell:Is this the sound of one hand typing?
Kathy:@Mary - tx!
Maria Farrell:ok but 1 is roll call...
Maria Farrell:tks Graeme for raising my question!
Graeme Bunton:NP
Maria Farrell:tks all
Graeme Bunton:Thanks Don
Tim Ruiz:Bye!
Justin Macy:Thanks! Bye.
Luc Seufer:bye all
Amr Elsadr:OK. Thanks everyone. Apologies about being late once more.
Marie-laure Lemineur -NPOC:bye all