20 January 2015

20 January 2015

The next  Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP WG teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday 20 January 2015 at 1500 UTC (07:00 PST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET).

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/kw898dc

Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ppsai/ 


  1. Roll Call/Updates to SOI
  2. Continue discussion of Executive Summary to Draft Initial Report
  3. Discuss preliminary recommendations for Category F (Relay)
  4. Next steps/next meeting

Documents for Review:

DRAFT Initial Report - updated 13 Jan 2015 

MP3 Recording: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ppsa-20jan15-en.mp3 

Meeting Transcript:


Frank Michlick – Individual

Justin Macy - BC

Val Sherman – IPC

Griffin Barnett – IPC

Kathy Kleiman – NCSG

Phil Corwin – BC

Darcy Southwell – RrSG

Todd Williams – IPC

David Heasley - IPC

Chris Pelling - RrSG

Steve Metalitz - IPC

Graeme Bunton – RrSG

Carlton Samuels – ALAC

Luc Seufer – RrSG

Christian Dawson – ISPCP

Alex Deacon -IPC

Don Blumenthal – RySG

Jim Bikoff - IPC

Tatiana Khramtsova - RrSG

Michele Neylon- RrSG

Susan Prosser - RrSG



Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP

Sarah Wyld – RrSG

Holly Raiche  ALAC

 Richard Leaning – no SOI

James Bladel – RrSG

Stephanie Perrin - NCSG

Marika Konings


ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Daniela Andela

Nathalie Peregrine


 Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 20 January 2015

   Terri Agnew:Dear All, Welcome to the PPSAI WG Meeting on the 20 January 2015

  Chris Pelling:afternoon all

  Val Sherman:Hello all

  Michele Neylon:can't dial in for now - on another call

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Susan Prosser and Carlon Samuels have joined

  Carlton Samuels:Morning all

  Graeme Bunton:Thanks Don

  Nathalie  Peregrine:ChristianDawson has joined the calll

  Don Blumenthal:I figured I would do something substantive by asking for the SOI changes.

  Graeme Bunton:Section 1.3.1

  Luc Seufer:As long as the implementation WG doesn't come up with crazy requirements (attchament siez limit etc)

  Kathy Kleiman:So footnote to para 12: However, each P/P Provider shall implement this "standardized form" in its own way -- including by website, email, etc

  Graeme Bunton:Sure, sounds fine

  Kathy Kleiman:I think that captures it  Steve

  Carlton Samuels:@Kathy's +1

  Mary Wong:@Steve, we can move up #16 to facilitate reading and organization

  Luc Seufer:Forward doesn't imply that PP provider will actually acknowledge (read) the communications but solely transmit them automatically to the applicable registrants, right?

  Alex Deacon:In 14 - Are the references to "Category E" and "Category B Question 2" out of context in the summary section?

  Chris Pelling:"automated telephone calls" Steve you mentioned this ?

  Kathy Kleiman:Automated phone calls???

  Luc Seufer:thanks Steve

  Chris Pelling:yeah, what the heck is that ?

  Chris Pelling:Yeah I dont either

  Chris Pelling:Sorry, no to automated phone calls

  Chris Pelling:we cannot accept calls and them type them out to relay them

  Kathy Kleiman:It's confusing!

  Mary Wong:@Graeme, yes, SMS/text messaging came up but there was no agreement on how to deal with them, or whether to include a mention of them.

  Chris Pelling:I would pipe up but my voice is killing me

  Luc Seufer:or we remove it all together

  Chris Pelling:+1 Luc

  Carlton Samuels:We should leave it open to other forms of communications!

  Carlton Samuels:@Steve: Yes +1

  Mary Wong:@Steve, @Carlton, that was the idea :)

  Luc Seufer:can't wait for hologram calls!

  Kathy Kleiman:Does 16 work with regard to Reveal?

  Kathy Kleiman:I think so...

  Luc Seufer:its starts by stating so in its current version

  Val Sherman:Might it be better to say “any practice of providers” instead of “prevailing practice among providers”?

  Kathy Kleiman:+1 Steve, agree OK to delete relay in 16

  Luc Seufer:I think so to

  Mary Wong:Shall we just delete the word "prevailing"?

  Luc Seufer:even if we wanted to I know of no technical system that could allow us to automatically reveal

  Kathy Kleiman:can you read it out loud, Steve?

  Kathy Kleiman:What is Category B, Question 2?

  Mary Wong:@Steve, that's right - the point you noted isn't one that we have WG consensus on yet, so it's in 1.3.2 instead.

  Kathy Kleiman:Tx Steve!

  Mary Wong:Noted, Steve, thanks :)

  Kathy Kleiman:Agree about making this understandable to all...

  Luc Seufer:RAA 2013

  Mary Wong:Yes, it's from the RAA

  Kathy Kleiman:I don't think it should go in a footnote -- but perhaps a later paragraph

  Mary Wong:Use "a common" versus "the prevailing"?

  Kathy Kleiman:Switch 16 and 17? Does that make it clearer to anyone?

  Graeme Bunton:It's not outrageously incongruous to me.  Perhaps Kathy is right and we should put it behind 17

  Val Sherman:+1 Kathy

  Mary Wong:Oops, just saw typos in the first bullet point of 17 - will fix.

  Carlton Samuels:@Kathy re switching 16 & 17: Maybe it would

  Kathy Kleiman:Re: bullet 4, did we (WG) agree that P/P provider must respond to each and every request for a Reveal?

  Kathy Kleiman:Consider situations where the request is bizarre (e.g., diapers), or redundant/multiple (e.g., 25 requests)

  Graeme Bunton:We may want soem language in there to help with that, good point Kathy

  Luc Seufer:agreed

  Kathy Kleiman:how to revamp?

  Mary Wong:@Steve, yes I think that's right - we've assumed but should prob make it explicit

  Mary Wong:Absolutely!

  Luc Seufer:@Kathy by adding another bullet precising this apply to reasonable request in terms of their scope, number...

  Don Blumenthal: Yep. :)

  Mary Wong:For clarity - this language in #17 is carried over from documents from early October.

  Carlton Samuels:@Steve: +1

  Kathy Kleiman:Tx Steve!

  Luc Seufer:thanks Steve!

  Graeme Bunton:Thanks for Chairing Steve

  Carlton Samuels:Thanks Steve and all. Went smoothly!

  Val Sherman:Thanks all!