27 March 2014

27 March 2014

The next meeting of the PPSAI WG is scheduled to occur during ICANN49 in Singapore, on Thursday 27 March from 0900-1030 am. Singapore time, in the Sophia Room.

Remote participation and call in details are available at http://singapore49.icann.org/en/schedule/thu-ppsa 


1. Roll Call (2 mins)

2. Introduction of WG members and affiliations (individual WG members; 20 mins)

3. Overview of goals, charter and work so far (Don Blumenthal (WG Chair); 10 mins)

4. Update on EWG survey/Q&A with WG members (Margie Milam (ICANN staff); 20 mins)

5. Open community discussion (35 mins)

6. Wrap up and next steps (3 mins)



Summary Report of EWG Survey

Presentation Slides on EWG Survey Results


Audio Recording: http://singapore49.icann.org/en/schedule/thu-ppsa/audio-ppsa-27mar14-en


Meeting Transcript: http://singapore49.icann.org/en/schedule/thu-ppsa/transcript-ppsa-27mar14-en