23 December 2014
The next Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP WG teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday 23 December 2014 at 1500 UTC (07:00 PST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET).
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/ksm6cdy
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ppsai/
- Roll Call/Updates to SOI
- Conclude discussions on Category G (latest draft attached)
- Next steps (WG review of draft Initial Report in January, with a view to publication for public comment by 19 January)
Document for Review:
MP3 Recording: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ppsa-20141223-en.mp3
Meeting Transcript: http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/transcript-ppsa-23dec14-en.pdf
Frank Michlick – Individual
Justin Macy - BC
Val Sherman – IPC
Theo Geurts - RrSG
Stephanie Perrin - NCSG
James Bladel – RrSG
Griffin Barnett – IPC
Kathy Kleiman – NCSG
Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP
Phil Corwin – BC
Sarah Wyld – RrSG
Richard Leaning – no SOI
Darcy Southwell – RrSG
Don Blumenthal – RySG
Todd Williams – IPC
David Heasley - IPC
Paul McGrady – IPC
David Hughes - IPC
Carlton Samuels – ALAC
Tatiana Khramtsova - RrSG
Volker Greimann – RrSG
Chris Pelling - RrSG
John Berryhill – RrSG – not listed as PPSAI WG member
Lindsay Hamilton-Reid- RrSG
Steve Metalitz - IPC
Graeme Bunton – RrSG
Vicky Scheckler – IPC
Holly Raiche – ALAC
Kiran Malancharuvil – IPC
Jim Bikoff - IPC
Marika Konings
ICANN staff:
Mary Wong
Daniela Andela
Nathalie Peregrine
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 23 December 2014:
Nathalie Peregrine:Welcome to the PPSAI WG Meeting of 23 December 2014
Val Sherman:Hello All!
Sarah Wyld - Aplus.net:Good morning!
Osvaldo Novoa:Hello all, I apologize but today a may have to leave before the end oof the call.
Mary Wong:No worries, Osvaldo!
Don Blumenthal:Usual audio problems on this PC.
Val Sherman:ditto
Stephanie Perrin:Wicked echo, Don
Stephanie Perrin:Better! thanks
Osvaldo Novoa:Is OK now
Nathalie Peregrine:John Berryhill has joined the call
Chris Pelling:afternoon all, sorry I am late
Stephanie Perrin:Sounds like a great idea, customers would then also understand what could happen
Mary Wong:Thanks, James!
Paul McGrady:Sorry to be late.
Nathalie Peregrine:Paul McGrady has joined the room
Frank Michlick:Agree, transferring a P&P registration elsewhere is not as trivial as it may sound and may involve a change of registrar.
Frank Michlick:If P&P were a registry function then it would be a different story, but it isn't and probably shouldn't be.
Nathalie Peregrine:Carlton Samuels has joined the room
Carlton Samuels:Morning all
Carlton Samuels:We cannot assume that a P/P service provider is a registry
Carlton Samuels:..let's deconstruct; the one must not be tied to the other. There must be specific policy guidelines for deaccreditation for whatever reason
Carlton Samuels:So we explicity state what deaccreditation means in this context, maybe with a listing of actions, without restrictions
Kathy:sorry, participating from a tough spot.
Kathy:But are both privacy and choice preserved for Registrants
Kathy:in the new language?
Carlton Samuels:@Kathy: Yes, I think it should be
Richard Leaning:i agree also with Kathy
Kathy:Great- that's key!
Mary Wong:@James, no we don't have that explicitly stated at the moemnt; something to include in the final draft Initial Report
Osvaldo Novoa:Sorry all, I have to leave now. Best wishes to all in the up coming festivities
Kathy:There are a lot of privacy/data protection statute issues involved in the escrow of p/p data
Carlton Samuels:@James: Even with escrow, the registrant must NOT be disadvantaged and should retin the right to choose their provider
Kathy:I think it is something we should discuss - perhaps with the larger group
Carlton Samuels:@Kathy: +1. The data protection principles under which the data was originally curated remains with the data. So it cannot go to a regime that is less than what originally obtains
Carlton Samuels:When I use the term 'regime' I mean both law and practicve
Carlton Samuels:hardly: U sound far away Steph
Chris Pelling:I can hear aok
Chris Pelling:gone all quiet now
Chris Pelling:WOW
Chris Pelling:hehe
Frank Michlick:the whole thing
Frank Michlick:please
Kathy:@Stephanie, is this what you are saying: that the commitment of protection by a secondary P/P Provider (who receives the transferred escrowed data) should be similar to the protections of the original P/P Providers?
Carlton Samuels:@ Kathy: The registrant should have a say; must affirm positively
Frank Michlick:Thank you
Stephanie Perrin:No problem!
Stephanie Perrin:Absolutely agree with James....
Carlton Samuels:The P/P provision is assumed to be a set of conditions not necessarily related to DP law. The terms are paramount here for the registrant who signed up
James Bladel:Volker: I'm curious do you have issues with Iron Mountain/Data Escrow? Does IM store your data somewhere in Europe?
Theo Geurts:i expect issues with Iron Mountain later on when EU privacy laws get tougher
Carlton Samuels:What we must ensure is that they are not disadvantaged in failure in any way shape or form. We can frame what should ahppen in that event using a DP-type regime since they exist and I don't like to recreate wheels.
Carlton Samuels:But the baseline is a set of contracted conditions that must be preserved
Theo Geurts:but iron mountain is not the only ICANN appointed Escrow service, so i expect we will switch in the future
Don Blumenthal:Or a Russian entity for Rusian customers because of their new law?
Stephanie Perrin:This is what binding corporate rules gets around....and those rules could be part of the accreditation requirements which you suggested.
Volker Greimann:James: That is already the case. Your european customer data _is_ subject to European DP laws
Carlton Samuels:@Steph: +1
Volker Greimann:under European law, that is
Frank Michlick: Happy Holidays!
Kathy:Happy Holidays, All!
Paul McGrady:Thanks everyone! Happy Holidays!
Carlton Samuels:Thank you Don for piloting
Frank Michlick:See you in the new year.
Philip Corwin:Merry everthing!
Carlton Samuels:Every Good Wish ALL
Stephanie Perrin:Happy holidays everyone!
James Bladel:Thanks, Don and the PPSAI Die Hards! See you in 2015!
Kathy:Tx Don!
Darcy Southwell:Happy holidays!
Theo Geurts:happy holidays everyone