7 January 2014
The next meeting of the PPSAI WG will take place on 7 January 2014 at 1500 UTC (07:00 PST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET). For other places see: http://tinyurl.com/pqsxuat.
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ppsai/
- Roll Call/Updates to SOIs
Review & finalize SG/C Template
Review & finalise SO/AC Outreach LetterIn
Input to EWG Survey (see attached)
Update on WG members survey (to participate, please go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/86N33WX)
Review proposed charter question groupings
Next steps & confirm next meeting
Letter soliciting SO/AC input - 18 December 2013
GNSO SG/C Input Template - 18 December 2013
EWG Draft Survey Questions - 17 December 2013
Draft Grouping of Charter Questions (3 January 2014)
MP3 Recording: http://gnso.icann.org/en/node/43341
Transcript: http://gnso.icann.org/en/node/43365
James Bladel - RrSG
Amr Elsadr - NCUC
Alex Deacon – IPC
Don Blumenthal - RySG
Gordon Dick - RrSG
Luc Seufer - RrSG
Marie-Laure Lemineur - NPOC
Steve Metalitz - IPC
Michele Neylon - RrSG
Todd Williams - IPC
Volker Greimann - RrSG
Carlton Samuels - At-Large
Stephanie Perrin - NCUC
Griffin Barnett – IPC
Justin Macy – CBUC
Kathy Kleiman – RySG
Keith Kupfershmid – IPC
Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP
Phil Marano – IPC
Gema Campillos - GAC
Val Sherman – SOI
Statton Hammock – RrSG
Tobias Sattler – RrSG
Paul McGrady – IPC
Victoria Sheckler – IPC
Kiran Malancharuvil – IPC
Jim Bikoff – IPC
Matt Serlin – RrSG
Brian Winterfeldt – IPC
David Cake - NCSG
Ben Anderson - RrSG
Holly Raiche – ALAC
Maria Farrell – NCUC
Hector Ariel Manoff – IPC
ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Mary Wong
Margie Milam
Joe Catapano
Julia Charvolen
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 07 January 2014:
Marika Konings:Welcome to the PPSAI WG Meeting of 7 January 2014
Carlton Samuels:Hiya, Every Good Wish to ALl of You for 2014
Osvaldo Novoa:hello everyone. Is the audio on?
Volker Greimann:I can hear
Carlton Samuels:I can hear you
Tobias Sattler:I can hear you
Carlton Samuels:DC was my hometown for 16 years Mary. Can't say I miss it just now
Carlton Samuels::-)
Julia Charvolen:please mute your microphone or speaker if you are not speaking, we can hear an echo
Julia Charvolen:thank you
Mary Wong:Carlton, with the cold and the traiin delays today in DC, can't say I blame you :)
Statton Hammock:You all should be in Seattle. it will be 50 degrees today and just a slight drizzle. typical winter day here.
steve metalitz:are others hearing an echo on phone bridge?
Tobias Sattler:Yes
Mary Wong:Me too
Julia Charvolen:Marie Laure Lemineur joined the Adobe Connect
Mary Wong:If you're on both the audio/phone bridge and the AC room, please mute one or the other. If you're not speaking, please mute your mic.
Julia Charvolen:@ PPSAI: Would you mind giving me your name and affilitation for transcripts and attendance please
PPSAI:I am participating in the conference call. I think PPSAI is me, Gema Campillos
Julia Charvolen:Kiran Malancharuvil joined the Adobe Connect
Marie-laure Lemineur:Thank you Carlton...same to you!!
Kiran Malancharuvil:Thanks Julia.
Julia Charvolen:James Bikoff and Matt Serlin joined the phone bridge
Julia Charvolen:Brian Winterfeldt and Luc Seufer joined the Adobe Connect
Julia Charvolen:@ Gema: thank you noted
Julia Charvolen:David Cake joined the phone bridge
Julia Charvolen:Alex Deacon joined the meeting
Julia Charvolen:James Bladel joined the Adobe Connect
Statton Hammock:Looks fine to me Steve.
Luc Seufer:This echo is a bit annoying.
Volker Greimann:I must apologize,
Volker Greimann:i had not had a chance to review
Volker Greimann:due to being away on vacation until today
Julia Charvolen:Paul McGrady joined the meeting
Julia Charvolen:I am checking for the echo problem
Osvaldo Novoa:I have no problem with the text as it is
Julia Charvolen:@ all: Please let me know if you can still hear the echo, it seems to have gone away now
Tobias Sattler:I can still hear the echo
Julia Charvolen:Victoria Shekler joined the phone bridge
Paul McGrady:I can still here the echo, but it is not so bad.
Marie-laure Lemineur:same with me...
Julia Charvolen:Stephanie Perrin joined the meeting
Justin Macy:@Julia, I can still hear the echo, but it's not unbearable.
Marika Konings:@PPSAI - can you please identify yourself so we can update your name in the Adobe Connect?
Paul McGrady:I can no longer here the echo. Thanks!
Marie-laure Lemineur:Echo is gone....thanks Julia
Julia Charvolen:Thank you
Justin Macy:Echo gone, Thanks!
Julia Charvolen:Amr Elsadr joined the Adobe Connect
Amr Elsadr:Dialling in.
Carlton Samuels:Input to the EWG miossed
Julia Charvolen:Keith Kupferschmid joined Adobe Connect and phone bridge
Amr Elsadr:On the call now. Sorry I'm late.
Julia Charvolen:Please mute your lines/ speakers if you are not speaking, thank you
Marika Konings:Apologies, one of the numbers on the agenda was missing.
Keith Kupferschmid:Just joined the call. Sorry fro being late.
Julia Charvolen:Kathy Kleiman joined the Adobe Connect
Luc Seufer:Really? I am not sure staff and I have the same definition as a good "chunk"http://www.icann.org/registrar-reports/accredited-list.html
Michele Neylon:Luc +1
Julia Charvolen:Please mute your line if you are not speaking, we can hear background noise, thank you
Carlton Samuels:@Luc: Can I ask of the registrars accredited under RAA2013, do we know what percentage of registrations they front?
Stephanie Perrin:lost line, will call back sorry
Luc Seufer:@Carlton I don't have those figures.
Todd Williams:Steve +1 on compiling the published information
Marie-laure Lemineur:I support Steve´s idea
Keith Kupferschmid:Steve's points make sense. Agree with the recomendation that ICANN staff compile the material published in accordance with 2013 RAA
Carlton Samuels:@Luc Thanks. I was thinking that since its the registration that is the sweet spot in the chain, maybe the 80:20 rule reversed could be applied for moving forward; 20% of registrars account for 80-% of registrations.
Ben Anderson:Approx. 16% of Registrars on 2013 ignoring Parent/child accreditations
Kathy Kleiman:+1 Stephanie - there is due process and procedures protected under law (and monitored by courts).
Ben Anderson:997 Registrars, 7 on 2001 RRA, 824 on 2009 RRA and 166 on 2013 RRA
Kathy Kleiman:To Staff: I've sent two revised documents to the list, but have not yet seen them posted. Could someone approve them?
Kathy Kleiman:(assuming that they have to be approved by the moderator before posting)
Carlton Samuels:@Ben: Thanks. Very useful info for me
Kathy Kleiman:Tx you, Mary!
Marika Konings:@Kathy - these seem to have just come through
Kathy Kleiman:Mary could you share support for Stephanie on list???
Marika Konings:@Kathy - FWIW, there is no moderator, but only members with the email addresses that they have subscribed with can post to the list.
Kathy Kleiman:Marika, I've forwarded revised documents to you, and ask that you post them to the list?
Kathy Kleiman:I think we should keep this open for additional work.
Marika Konings:@Kathy - your email on the revised SG-C input template has already come through.
Julia Charvolen:Don Blumenthal joined the Adobe Connect
Amr Elsadr:Yes..., Kathy is absolutely right.
Marie-laure Lemineur:@kathy agree! and individuals who have commercial activities
Carlton Samuels:@Marika: I'm a member of the EWG. Have also penned a few ALAC Statements on the matter that outlines the consensus position. I would prefer not to commit my own thinking now. However, I will fill only if I think my preferred position is controversial and is not reflected.
Stephanie Perrin:Agree with K on privacy of groups, except that degree of organization may not be a relevant factor
Stephanie Perrin:eg incorporation, ngo status
Marie-laure Lemineur:@carlton. My understanding is that the responses reflect the individual position of the WG member..but maybe staff can clarify...
Carlton Samuels:@Kathy +1. Circulate the Final Report by WHOIS RT!
Mary Wong:Thx Kathy - the Whois RT Final Report has been added to the Background Documents page on the WG wiki:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/gnsopnpsrvaccrdtwg/Background+Documents
Carlton Samuels:The ALAC position is reflected there
Kathy Kleiman:Tx Mary!
Mary Wong:No worries, Kathy - if you could also suggest the types of additional categories/questions you had in mind to the list, that may help with further WG discussion on those points as well.
Carlton Samuels:@Stephanie: No traction on changing the label. It would satisfy the ALAC position since we have 2 fundamental positions. 1. Providers must be accredited via a transparent process. 2 Regardless of whether it is a proxy or a privacy service, the provider accepts strict liability for compliance with the RAA contract
Bladel:Audio problems.
Bladel:I will post in the chat.
Marie-laure Lemineur:@steve...I have the same concerns about the two tracks...
Julia Charvolen:We are unmuting James
Stephanie Perrin:In response to Gema..yes my point was that distinctions for the purposes of determining data protection rights cannot rest on whether or not the proxy/shield registrant is a n individual, a legal person, or an incorporated entity or personal business of any kind.
Julia Charvolen:James is on the phone bridge unmuted
Gema Maria Campillos:Thank you, Stephanie. You happen to think like me in this point. Sorry to misunderstand your oral point.
Mary Wong:To follow up on Marika's point about these questions already being in the WG Charter, note that all of the questions were taken from prior community work on WHois, from the WHois RT to the GNSO-ALAC DT. If it would be helpful, this is all detailed in the Staff Paper describing this PDP (also included in the Background Documents on the WG WIki, linked above).
Julia Charvolen:James Bladel joined the phone bridge
Volker Greimann:James made my point
Marie-laure Lemineur:do we have a deadline for additional input for the grouping ?
Marie-laure Lemineur:or we leave it open?
Paul McGrady:Thank you everyone! Great discussion!
Carlton Samuels:Bye all
Statton Hammock:Thanks Steve for chairing. Bye all.
Marie-laure Lemineur:thank you Steve and all
Marie-laure Lemineur:bye
Amr Elsadr:Thanks. Bye.
Justin Macy:Thank you!
Kathy Kleiman:Bye all