8 April 2014
The next Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP WG teleconference AFTER Singapore is scheduled for Tuesday 08 April 2014 at 1400 UTC.
Please note that since March 30th, some countries will have started using Daylight Saving Time, so please check on the link below to make sure you have the right meeting time!
07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/n6zjv7k
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ppsai/
- Roll Call/Updates to SOIs
- Recap of Singapore meeting – EWG survey results & community discussion
- Recap & resume discussion of WG Charter questions – Category B, Question 2
- Next Steps/Next Meeting
Documents for Review:
Summary Report of EWG Survey Results
Presentation Slides of EWG Survey Results (used in WG meeting in Singapore)
Draft Template for Charter Question - Category B Question 2 (updated 17 March)
PPSAI Category B Question 3 - Updated 18 March 2014
MP3 Recording: http://gnso.icann.org/en/node/44533
Meeting Transcript: http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/transcript-ppsa-08apr14-en.pdf
Luc Seufer - RrSG
Graeme Bunton – RrSG
Tim Ruiz – RrSG
Sarah Wyld – RrSG
Steve Metalitz - IPC
Kathy Kleiman – RySG
Darcy Southwell - RrSG
Libby Baney - BC
Phil Marano – IPC
Valeriya Sherman – IPC
Roy Balleste – NCUC
Holly Raiche – ALAC
Susan Prosser – RrSG
Kristina Rosette – IPC
Justin Macy – BC
Jim Bikoff – IPC
David Heasley – IPC
Amr Elsadr – NCUC
Michele Neylon – RrSG
Don Moody –IPC
Marie-Laure Lemineur – NPOC
Alex Deacon – IPC
Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP
Emily Emanuel – BC
Jennifer Standiford – RrSG
James Bladel – RrSG
Volker Greimann – RrSG
Gema Campillos – GAC
Tatiana Khramtsova – RrSG
Carlton Samuels – ALAC
Maria Farrell – NCUC
Paul McGrady – IPC
Tobias Sattler – RrSG
ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Mary Wong
Amy Bivins
Margie Milam
Mike Zupke
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 08 April 2014:
Marika Konings:Welcome to the PPSAI WG meeting of 8 April 2014
Libby Baney:Good morning / afternoon
Terri Agnew:Hello Libby
Osvaldo Novoa:Hello everyone
Valeriya Sherman:Morning! David Heasley is on the call
Valeriya Sherman:also
Terri Agnew:Emily Emanuel has joined
Terri Agnew:Jennifer Standiford has joined
Terri Agnew:Michele Neylon has joined
Mary Wong:The EWG Survey Results Summary you see on screen here has been uploaded to the WG wiki.
Terri Agnew:David Heasley has joined
Terri Agnew:Susan Prosser has joined
Terri Agnew:Luc Seufer has joined
Bladel:James Bladel joined. Apologies for my tardiness.
Terri Agnew:James I have you added to attendance
Terri Agnew:Amr Elsadr has joined
Amr Elsadr:Hi. Dialling in now.
steve metalitz:Could staff circulate link to Appendix to EWG survey response summary (see reference in footnote 1)?
Mary Wong:On the EWG survey results, it may be helpful for WG members (and their respective SG/Cs) to indicate which (if any) of the findings they think useful for the WG to discuss or fold into our deliberations (and which category/question).
Terri Agnew:Marie Laure Lemineur has joined
Mary Wong:@Steve, can you clarify the document that has the FN?
steve metalitz:The doc first posted in the Adobe room this morning.
Mary Wong:Ah, thanks - we will locate and send it ASAP. Thanks!
Bladel:The first two sentences of this comment are so generally obvious as to be non-valuable.
Michele Neylon:which comment are we looking at?
Mary Wong:@Michele, the one by Jim Bikoff and his colleagues.
Graeme Bunton:now on to the 2nd comment
Luc Seufer:Basic resp. ...
Sarah Wyld - Aplus.net:@Michele you can scroll through the doc
Michele Neylon:I am ..
Amr Elsadr:@Graeme: Yeah..., I thought we were still on question 2 today. I guess I missed something.
Terri Agnew:Phil Marano has joined
Bladel:I'll dial in.
Mary Wong:@Amr, the WG agreed to "park" the outstanding further issues from Q2 for further review, for now.
Amr Elsadr:Thanks Mary. I dialled in a few minutes late.
Mary Wong:No worries - hopefully this update will also be helpful to other WG members who may have missed it!
Amr Elsadr:+1 @Michele as well as transfer of registrant data across legal jurisdictions with a "thick" whois policy, but that's another story!! :)
Kathy Kleiman:I think what James says makes sense
Kathy Kleiman:It leaves room for the p/p services as they exist now (largely separate and independent) and in the future, where some may merge or there may be joint services
Bladel:Kathy: Yep. They could become resellers of multiple registrars.
Volker Greimann:we require the registrant to use the data of the new privacy provider into the whois _before_ a transfer
Terri Agnew:Volker I have added you to attendance
Luc Seufer:I think every country has some sort of gag order
Luc Seufer:so not sure about this distinction
Kathy Kleiman::-) Michele
Amr Elsadr:@James: Being too specific on accreditation may not be the way to go, but a blanket requirement of following due process as per the governing legal jurisdiction could work, couldn't it?
Bladel:Agree with Michele. It is up the the risk tolerance of the servie provider (and the cost).
Bladel:@Amr: Yes, that aligns with other policies and the RAA as well.
Terri Agnew:Gema Campillos has joined
Kathy Kleiman:Sanity?!
Bladel:They registered a domain name, so they must be hiding something. :)
Libby Baney:Good point Michele
steve metalitz:Agree that accreditation standards should be minimum standards.
Libby Baney:@Michele, +1
Holly Raiche:That statement is aalready in the Final Whois Review Team Report
Bladel:+1. It's no more suspicious than an unlisted phone number or joinign the "do not call" list.
Amr Elsadr:@Kathy: +1. It would be nice that p/p customers are not by default villains. :)
Amr Elsadr:not perceived to be villains.
Kathy Kleiman:Yeah!
Kathy Kleiman:Can we codify or show strong support as a WG for Michele's comments?
Michele Neylon:which one of my comments?
Darcy Southwell:@Kathy: Totally agree that p/p customers cannot be immediately assumed to be bad actors just because they bought the service.
Amr Elsadr:@Steve: Agree on minimum standards.
Kathy Kleiman:@Darcy: tx! Let's codify that as a finding of this WG
Gema Campillos:Hi everyone, Steve is giving some sensible ideas.
Kathy Kleiman:@Michele: supporting operation of p/p under national laws (theirs)
Bladel:Agree with Steve, and that mirrors the Registrars Accrditation program.
Kathy Kleiman:Marika: 4th point - the deference to national law (in the jurisdiction of the registrar and p/p provider)
Terri Agnew:Tatiana Khramtsova has joined
Tim Ruiz:A lot has been said in the past about Registrant Rights, and a document now exists explaining those rights. So it should be perfectly clear to p/p customers as to how those rights are affected or modified by the p/p provider. My two cents.
Kathy Kleiman:Would it be possible (needed) to have a longer briefing on transfer policies and issues (for those of us who don't work on this issue regularly)?
Kathy Kleiman:something a little more formal?
Marika Konings:James actually provided a very good overview to the IRTP WG that we have recorded so I can share that
Michele Neylon:Kathy - I was going to offer bribery
Luc Seufer:If only we knew someone that has chaired IRTP WG from A to D
Kathy Kleiman:@Michele: how much?
Amr Elsadr:Thanks Marika.
Bladel:not sure what I was just drafted for, but happy to help.
Kathy Kleiman:Tx James!
Bladel:Just ping me offline.
Amr Elsadr:hehehe..., and thanks James.
Kathy Kleiman:Tx Graeme!
Amr Elsadr:Bye all. Thanks.
Phil Marano:Thank you, goodbye.
marie-laure lemineur:tx bye bye