22 April 2014
The next Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP WG teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday 22 April 2014 at 1400 UTC (07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET)
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/nlv74w6
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ppsai/
- Roll Call/SOI Update
- Continue discussion of template for Category B Question 3 (including "side questions" pertaining to renewals and transfers)
- (if time permits) Begin deliberations on template for Category C Question 1
- Next Steps/Next Meeting
Documents for Review:
PPSAI Category B Question 3 - Updated 17 April 2014
DRAFT PPSAI - Cat C - Question 1 - 12 April 2014
"Side Questions" on Renewals & Transfers:
- Per the ERRP, 'registrars must notify the registered name holder of the expiration at least two times'. Should there be a requirement for the P/P provider to pass these notices on to the P/P customer?
- Per the ERRP, 'if a registration is not renewed by the RAE or deleted by the registrar, within five days after the expiration of the registration, the registrar must transmit at least one additional expiration notice to the RAE that includes instructions for renewing the registration'. Should there be a requirement for the P/P provider to pass these notices on to the P/P customer?
- Per the ERRP, 'beginning at the time of expiration and through the DNS resolution interruption period described in paragraphs 2.2.2 and 2.2.3, the RAE must be permitted by the registrar to renew the expired registration'. What if the underlying customer wants to renew the registration? Idem for restoration during the Redemption Grace Period.
- In relation to the IRTP, should there be any restrictions concerning transfers of P/P registrations? (e.g. some of the terms and conditions required for the P/P services to be removed during the transfer process). Depending on the response to this question, all communications in the IRTP currently go via the transfer contact (Registered Name Holder / Admin Contact). Should there be any requirements for this information to also be communicated to the P/P customer? What happens if there is a disagreement relating to the transfer between the P/P provider and the P/P customer?
The Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP): http://www.icann.org/en/resources/registrars/consensus-policies/errp
The Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP): http://www.icann.org/en/resources/registrars/transfers (NOTE: Please also check the GNSO's Active Projects page for the status of ongoing work on IRTP-B, IRTP-C and IRTP-D: http://gnso.icann.org/en/group-activities/active)
MP3 Recording: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ppsa-20140422-en.mp3
Meeting Transcript: http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/transcript-ppsa-22apr14-en.pdf
Luc Seufer - RrSG
Graeme Bunton – RrSG
Tim Ruiz – RrSG
Steve Metalitz - IPC
Kathy Kleiman – RySG
Darcy Southwell - RrSG
Libby Baney - BC
Susan Prosser – RrSG
Justin Macy – BC
Jim Bikoff – IPC
David Heasley – IPC
Michele Neylon – RrSG
Jennifer Standiford – RrSG
James Bladel – RrSG
Volker Greimann – RrSG
Tatiana Khramtsova – RrSG
Paul McGrady – IPC
Tobias Sattler – RrSG
Phil Marano – IPC
Christain Dawson – ISPCP
Don Blumenthal – RySG
Griffin Barnett – IPC
Valeriya Sherman – IPC
Amr Elsadr – NCUC
Maria Farrell – NCUC
Marie-Laure Lemineur – NPOC
Todd Williams – IPC
Don Moody – IPC
Michael Palage – RySG
Alex Deacon – IPC
Kiran Malancharuvil - IPC
Gema Campillos – GAC
Kristina Rosette – IPC
Sarah Wyld – RrSG
Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP
ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Mary Wong
Amy Bivins
Joe Catapano
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 22 April 2014:
Marika Konings:Welcome to the PPSAI WG Meeting of 22 April 2014
Amr Elsadr:Yes. Hello.
Graeme Bunton:G'mornin all
Bladel:g'mornin' y'all
Michele Neylon:Getting more coffee
Michele Neylon:but listening
Alex Deacon:Good morning.
Terri Agnew:Tim Ruiz has joined audio
Tim Ruiz:I am now also on adobe.
Terri Agnew:Jennifer standiford has joined
Jennifer Standiford:good morning
Bladel:More of a notification at this point. :)
Terri Agnew:Phil Marano has joined
Terri Agnew:Volker Greimann has joined
Volker Greimann:sorry for my lateness
Kathy K:we're not looking for perfect - just good, workable and hopefully as automated as easy as possible
Volker Greimann:Tim: I'd put them in the "nice to have" category
Darcy Southwell:One concern I have with this idea is that, if the transfer fails, we now have our privacy service information listed without any connection to a P/P customer that we have.
Tim Ruiz:@Volker, right.
Bladel:Agree with Tim. IF you suppor this, here are some uniform standards. But agree we shouldn't require feature sets.
Terri Agnew:Maria Farrell has joined
Volker Greimann:I would see it as a recommendation according to these lines: "To enable privacy protection during transfers, the gaining/losing registrar may...."
Bladel:I think we should address Steve's first point: Is this a matter of policy or product development/innovation?
Paul McGrady:I would be happy to be in that offline subgroup if everyone decides we should have one
Terri Agnew:Marie-Laure Lemineur has joined
Volker Greimann:that way we could implement policy excemptions to transfer policies, RAA requirements, etc.
Marie-laure Lemineur -NPOC:Apologies for the being late
steve metalitz:I am open to making this an accreditation requirement IF there is a practical way to do it. The purpose of the subgroup would be to answer whether it is practical.
steve metalitz:"This" = enabling transfer without losing p/p protection.
Kathy K:Agree with Steve!
Paul McGrady:Agree with Steve and Kathy
Amr Elsadr:Also agree with Steve.
Val Sherman:+1 @Steve
Tim Ruiz:Could we not just say that all notices required via RAA or Policy by ICANN should be relayed?
Darcy Southwell:Agree with Steve, Kathy, and Tim.
Kathy K:If the
Kathy K:Registrant has the AuthInfo code, does that help?
Kathy K:Is there an AuthInfo code for the Redemption Grace Period?
Michele Neylon:You can't transfer during redemption
Kathy K:+1 Tim - and tx you!
Kathy K:Michele, tx for clarification.
Kathy K:Understand
Tim Ruiz:Conditions under which a p/p would terminate its service should be REQUIRED to be communicated to the beneficial user. But providing for non-diclosure of their data if transfering should only be suggested, or at most a best practice recommendation.
Kathy K:Interesting, can we factor in Tim's information?
Kathy K:In this case too, it seems there is no reason to disclose the underlying personal data of the Registrant
Michele Neylon:I'll shove my comment in the chat
Michele Neylon:Can you force me to do business with someone?
Michele Neylon:We're a private company
Michele Neylon:We could say that we don't support a particular type of software
Michele Neylon:0h wait - we do that already :)
Kathy K:+1 to Steve's suggestion for a subgroup on Transfers. I volunteer.
Tim Ruiz:No objection to "small" group looking at the transfer issues as a whole, but will it be small?
Bladel:I agree Michele. Then that takes "mandatory" privacy/proxy service transfers off the table.
Tim Ruiz:Don't we require registries to deal with all registrars except under certain specific situations.
Michele Neylon:Thankfully KS is a reseller / wholesaler so they have experience
Michele Neylon:Tim - they have to abuse us all equally
Tim Ruiz:Exactly. So should we not have to abuse all accredited p/p services equally.
Paul McGrady:Great call! Thanks everyone.
Kathy K:Great, tx Don and All!
Michele Neylon:We don't have to offer all TLDs
Phil Marano:Thank you.
Marie-laure Lemineur -NPOC:thank you Don
Mary Wong:Thanks everyone.
Michele Neylon:But it's an interesting question ..
Michele Neylon:*gone*
Tobias Sattler:Bye