8 July 2014
The next Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP WG teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday 8 July 2014 at 1400 UTC 07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/odrpd57
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ppsai/
- Roll call / SOI
- Recap from F2F meeting in London
- Review work plan and plans for F2F meeting in Los Angeles (see work plan attached)
- Finalize Cat D – Q 4 template (see latest version attached – including alternate language suggested by Don and Kathy)
- Commence deliberations on Cat E – Q 1 (if time allows)
- Next steps / confirm next meeting
Document for Review:
MP3 Recording: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ppsa-20140707-en.mp3
Meeting Transcript: http://gnso.icann.org/en/meetings/transcript-ppsa-08jul14-en.pdf
Steve Metalitz - IPC
Justin Macy – BC
Sarah Wyld - RrSG
Chris Pelling – RrSG
Darcy Southwell - RrSG
Graeme Bunton – RrSG
Don Blumenthal – RySG
Phil Marano – IPC
Val Sherman – IPC
Griffin Barnett – IPC
Tatiana Khramtsova – RrSG
Susan Kawguchi – BC
Volker Greimann – RrSG
Kathy Kleiman – NCUC
Holly Raiche – ALAC
Luc Seufer – RrSG
Stephanie Perrin – NCSG
Michele Neylon – RrSG
James Bladel – RrSG
Roy Balleste – NCUC
Michele Neylon – RrSG
Don Moody – IPC
David Heasley – IPC
Jim Bikoff – IPC
Frank Michlick – Individual
Kristina Rosette – IPC
Paul McGrady – IPC
Carlton Samuels – ALAC
Todd Williams – IPC
Lindsay Hamilton-Reid – RrSG
Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP
Susan Prosser- RrSG
Brian Winterfeldt - IPC
ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Mary Wong
Amy Bivins
Glen de Saint Gery
Terri Agnew
Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 08 July 2014:
Marika Konings:Welcome to the PPSAI WG meeting of 8 July 2014
Terri Agnew:Hi everyhone, AC will be connected in a moment
Bladel:Good mroning. I'm finishing up another call, but will join the bridge when able. Thanks!
Terri Agnew:Thank you for letting us know James
Michele Neylon:I'll dial in shortly
Chris Pelling:afternoon all :)
Val Sherman:Good morning all
Don Blumenthal:The adobe call in feature isn't enabled. I will jump to Skype,.
Val Sherman:David Heasley also on call
Terri Agnew:I have David noted
Graeme Bunton:Is there a reason we can't connect to the Adobe audio?
Michele Neylon:dialled in ..
Michele Neylon:yay
Michele Neylon:or something
Stephanie Perrin:cannot activate audio, do we give up and dial in?
Michele Neylon:Operator is saying to dialin
Michele Neylon:though since audio isn't working
Michele Neylon:I suspect only those of us on the bridge are hearing her :)
Chris Pelling:whoever is typing please turn your MIC off
Chris Pelling:is that you michele ? :p
Michele Neylon:get lost
Michele Neylon::)
Chris Pelling:hehehe
Chris Pelling:I can hear terry from staff
Don Blumenthal:Apologies. Problems with dialing in.
Holly Raiche:I can hear you
Kathy:Hi All!
Michele Neylon:Holly - who is "you"? :)
Terri Agnew:Is ac working now?
Graeme Bunton:Dialed in
Holly Raiche:2Michele - So far, only Terri but I live in hope!
Graeme Bunton:oop. Got adobe working.
Kathy:Hooray for post-ICANN vacations :-)!
Michele Neylon:it's cos I wasn't there Don
Michele Neylon:admit it
Graeme Bunton:nearly miraculous.
Luc Seufer:finally a panel without the Irish man! woot woot woot
Terri Agnew:Kristina, I have you noted
Lindsay Hamilton-Reid:I can't hear anything but that might just be because there is nothing to hear yet . . . . .
Luc Seufer:are the pot ICANN vaction and Interpol rep. yelling somehow inked?
Luc Seufer:linked
Marika Konings:Welcome to Lindsay who is the new member.
Luc Seufer:good to hear
Marika Konings:@Lindsay - you should hear audio via your computer (through the ADobe Connect room)
Graeme Bunton:Lindsay - yep. Things are happenig. Maybe you need to connect your audio or try dialing in
Michele Neylon:Lindsay - you need to dial in
Marika Konings:if you are having issues, we can also dial out to you
Michele Neylon:afternoon by the way
Lindsay Hamilton-Reid:Thanks Marika and Graeme.
Kathy:It was a good meeting - tx you, Don!
Lindsay Hamilton-Reid:I will try dialling in again
Kathy:Marika, Mary, could you provide the link to Category E, Q1 here in chat? Tx.
Marika Konings:@Kathy - we haven't circulated the template yet, but will do so shortly after the call.
Kathy:But isn't it on the agenda for today?
Terri Agnew:Paul McGrady has joined
Marika Konings:Yes, if we have time left. We'll walk through the information we've collected so people can think about what additional information may be needed for review prior to the next meeting.
steve metalitz:Agree we are making good progress.
Terri Agnew:Phil Marano has joined
Carlton:Howdy all
Terri Agnew:Carlton Samuels, I have you added to attendance
Carlton:Thks Terri
Terri Agnew:and Welcome
Kathy:It's good to do this very early - tx you!
Graeme Bunton:LA meeting is on Canadian thxgiving weekend, which might impact peoples plans.
Kathy:Agree with Steve; it's at least two nights of hotel rooms for those of us who normally come in on Sunday...
Volker Greimann:I think we should not discuss allocation of ICANN funds here
Chris Pelling:exactly
Chris Pelling:sorry this is WG for PP
Michele Neylon:can we discuss this via email?
Chris Pelling:come on guys, get back on track please
Chris Pelling:Steve, no objection at all, just can be better done via email
Michele Neylon:um
Michele Neylon:that was odd
Michele Neylon:music
Mary Wong:We'll send out the email confirming the infomation Marika has given. The idea here was to let everyone know of the planned F2F meeting for LA.
Michele Neylon:oooo
Michele Neylon:I see lots of IPv6
Michele Neylon:sorry - was fixing my desktop machine
Marika Konings:Please note that the different alternatives can be found on page 6, 7 and 8
Chris Pelling:Michele, Apple = hammer doesnt it ? :p
Michele Neylon:Chris - IPv6 using DHCP
Michele Neylon:didn't realise I had it switched off
Michele Neylon:who is panting?
Chris Pelling:Thnk its Don
Don Blumenthal:ON mute when I'm not talking.
steve metalitz:Crossing out DMCA language was NOT my suggestion, just clarifying that there is no standardized form today.
Carlton:I would be VERY cautious of using the DMCA form. At least one of them I see. Different objectives for one
Mary Wong:The USA's Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) contains a number of required criteria that must be included in a takedown notice, e.g., contact info, good faith declaration, signature, specification of objected-to content.
Mary Wong:This WG may consider specifyging the elements that must be in a form rather than designing the form itself, for instance.
Carlton:@Mary: Agreed. So fulsome adoption may not be optimal
Kristina Rosette:@Mary: It's my recollection that that (elements, not form) was the original idea.
Carlton:@Kristina: Good to know
Terri Agnew:Todd Williams has joined
Carlton:@Holly: In its consideration of purpose based contacts (PBCs), the EWG anticipated this and other WG might recommend a triage to determine timing etc for each contact.
Bladel:+1 Don.
Stephanie Perrin:Don't we need to focus in on the allegation, and the form of the allegation? Much easier than identifying types of alleged malicious content.
Luc Seufer:@Stephanie agreed
Kathy:To Holly's point, and mine: can we create a new question or time to evaluate the requestor and any history known of the requestor?
Carlton:@Steph: Precisely. Focusing on allegation and the form is the starting type. The idea is that a risk profile would determine what the recommendation for response,. Action also has other determinants.
Don Blumenthal:Michele, fair enough. I was talking at a basic level. Jurisdiction clearly factors in.
Carlton:@Michele: +1. Jurisdiction is just one other determinant.
Marika Konings:Please note that this question relates specifically to a contact point provided by the P/P - questions in relation to relay and what action need to be taken will come up under the next categeories of questions.
Kathy:Sorry Stephanie, can't hear you....
Carlton:I think we lost her
Don Blumenthal:Stephanie, we lost you
Luc Seufer:And this is without mentioning the difference of alphabet. In the past we receive what we believe was Russian court documents, we weren't able to even reply.
Michele Neylon:Luc - we have russian speakers on staff
Terri Agnew:Stephanie, Ihave private chatted you
Luc Seufer:okay, Chinese then
Volker Greimann:non-LEA has no overall generic "right" to someones private data
Michele Neylon:Volker +1
Holly Raiche:@ Wolker- I think that was the point I was trying to make
Carlton:@Kathy: Good qustion. Who and what must be elements for questioning. I would wish to see list of itmes on any form. We must have a triage operation
Holly Raiche:Sorry - Volker
Chris Pelling:Volker +1
steve metalitz:It is not correct that copyright ifnfringement is not subject to independent verification.
Carlton:..and now that Michele mentioned it, I can recall the arguments we had over how to respond to issues surrounding local marks.
Kathy:@Steve: but copyright infringement vs. fair use and legitimate critique is normally subject to court review...
Carlton:TMCH remains mute on this..and we know it will come from bitter experience
Kathy:Tx Michele!
Michele Neylon:I'd actually agree with Steve
Michele Neylon:please don't use this against me
Michele Neylon::)
Kathy:I think we are talking about new fields, including who the Requester is, what their status is, what their jurisdiction is,
Kathy:and why something is alleged as being illega.
Holly Raiche:@Kathy +1
Kathy:But Reveal is the key - especially for speech and content issues...
Stephanie Perrin:testing
Luc Seufer:How do you prove that you have relayed without disclosing the underlying details though?
Holly Raiche:Good question Luc
Kathy:Don - I think we have some new fields!
steve metalitz:Michele our secret agreement will be kept confidential.....
Mary Wong:We will send out an updated version of D-4
Michele Neylon:Steve - good
Holly Raiche:We promise not to tell on Steve and Michele
Volker Greimann:so now we know michele is for sale ;-)
Stephanie Perrin:sorry, for some reason I keep dropping, including on text
Michele Neylon:Volker - and you're not?
Carlton:Thanks all. Good discussion! We seem to be cooking now.
Michele Neylon:Carlton - you cook?
Luc Seufer:bye
Kathy:But what is the secret ingredient?
Mary Wong:Thanks everyone!
Chris Pelling:bye all