3 December 2013
When: Tuesday 3rd December 2013 at 1500 UTC (07:00 PST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET).
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ppsai/
- Roll Call / Statements of Interest
- Introductions – members of the WG are invited to share information regarding interests, backgrounds, skills, experience especially as related to any requirements in the Charter
- Principles of transparency and openness
- Election of WG Leaders – Normally a Chair will be selected at the first meeting of the WG. A Working Group may elect to have co-chars, vice-chairs. Once selected, the Working Group Chair will need to be confirmed by the GNSO Council.
- Items for review: WG Background materials, WG Charter, Working Group Guidelines, GNSO Policy Development Process
- Development of work plan: it is required that WGs develop a work plan that outlines the necessary steps and expected timing in order to achieve the milestones set out in the WG Charter
- Confirmation of next meeting / next steps
MP3 Recording: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-ppsa-20131203-en.mp3
On page:
Volker Greimann - RrSG
Graeme Bunton - RrSG
Holly Raiche – ALAC
Maria Farrell - NCUC
Gordon Dick - RrSG
Tatiana Khramstova - RrSG
Osvaldo Novoa - ISPCP
Luc Seufer – RrSG
Nicolas Steinbach - RrSG
Susan Prosser - RrSG
Kiran Malancharuvil - IPC
Tim Ruiz – RrSG
Steve Metalitz – IPC
Keith Kupferschmid -
Carlton Samuels – At-Large
Kathy Kleiman – RySG
Volker Greimann – RrSG
Amr Elsadr – NCUC
Phil Marano - IPC
Chris Pelling - RrSG
Don Blumenthal - RySG
Adamar Nacer - ISPCP
Roy Balleste - NCUC
Kristina Rosette- IPC
Tobias Sattler – RrSG
Michele Neylon – RrSG
Statton Hammock - RySG
Paul McGrady
Wendy Seltzer - NCUC
Gema Campillos
Marie-Laure Lemineur – NPOC
Eric Brunner-Williams - Individual
ICANN staff:
Marika Konings
Mary Wong
Nathalie Peregrine
Adobe Connect chat transcript:
Marika Konings:Welcome to the Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP WG meeting of 3 December 2013
Marika Konings:Hi Amr - you are early!
Amr Elsadr:Really?? :)
Amr Elsadr:Eager!! :D
Amr Elsadr:Still dialling in.
Amr Elsadr:Do I have the time wrong?
Amr Elsadr:Marika..., you're right. I thought the call was 14:00 UTC. It's 15:00 UTC. I'll be back later then. ;)
Amr Elsadr:Talk to you then.
Osvaldo Novoa:Hello all
Maria Farrell:hi everyone, welcome!
Kiran Malancharuvil:I am listed as an individual on the member list, and I am actually affiliated with the IPC. Thanks.
Nicholas Steinbach:is the audio cutting in and out for anyone else?
Marika Konings:Hi Kiran - I'll update that following this call
Mary Wong:Nic - are you calling in or using AC?
Kiran Malancharuvil:Thanks Marika!
Nicholas Steinbach:AC
Maria Farrell:holly can you speak up please?
Maria Farrell:hard to hear
Maria Farrell:cant hear osvaldo
Amr Elsadr:Hi Just dialled in. Sorry for being late.
Marika Konings:When you are not speaking can you please make sure to mute your microphones? Thanks.
Mary Wong:@Nic, it doesn't look like anyone else is having AC audio problems - maybe try calling in on the phone bridge?
Nicholas Steinbach:seems to be coming through ok now. thank you though.
Mary Wong:OK, great.
Maria Farrell:Hi Graemen, Ross Rader did a lot of work on whois back in the day...
Graeme Bunton:that's who i was referring to
Maria Farrell::-0
Maria Farrell::-
Maria Farrell:)
Graeme Bunton:You'll note he does zero policy work anymore
Maria Farrell:well hopefully we won't scare you off!
Luc Seufer:I can't connect my audio via Adobe connect. It crashes my browser :-/
Luc Seufer:Hi, Luc Seufer, EuroDNS, European registrar. Although we are not providing this service at the moment we may in the future.
Luc Seufer:Will that do
Luc Seufer:?
Maria Farrell:Thank you, Luc. That's great.
Phil Marano:Apologies I am a little late.
Carlton Samuels:Is there a specific order for intro or its purely on the assignment?
Maria Farrell:hi carlton, nathalie is calling ppl according to the roll call
Nathalie Peregrine:we can hear you!
Carlton Samuels:Thanks Maria. Got to me just in time.
Maria Farrell:great stuff, samuel.
Maria Farrell:carlton... sorry!
Tatiana Khramtsova:Hi! Tatiana Khramtsova. Russian Registrar representative and Regostrar constituency member
Maria Farrell:Thanks, Tatiana.
Phil Marano:Sorry only on adobe
Phil Marano:Sure.
Phil Marano:I am an associate attorney with Katten Muchin Rosenman in Washington DC, as well as an IPC member. As an intellectual property attorney, I deal with privacy and proxy services every day in the context of trademark and copyright infringement.
Don Blumenthal:OK
Mary Wong:Again, please send in or update your SOI if you haven't already. Thank you!
Nathalie Peregrine:AC audio seems to be breaking up a little from time to time, if this is the case for you, please dial into the audio bridge, passcode PPSAI
Marika Konings:All the background documents can be found here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/egDQBg
Carlton Samuels:Hi Nathalie, I have audio issues but don't see a number for Jamaica. Can you confirm a number for me?
David Cake:hi, everone, apologies for lateness
David Cake:Just to catch up - no changes oto my SOI, nothing relevant to this WG
David Cake:My relevant interst is mostly as board member of a group with a strong interest in privacy rights lobbying.
Amr Elsadr:Thanks for the throrough brief Marika and Mary.
Tim Ruiz:I think part of the Whois Policy Review Team's definitions for Proxy Service should be incorporated, the part about the agent assumes responsibility.
Mary Wong:Thanks, Tim - we'll note that and bring it up when the WG begins to consider its substantive starting points (e.g. agreed definitions).
Carlton Samuels:Holly Raiche is also on the WG representing the ALAC. Usually the ALAC monthly call is updated on any WG development
Carlton Samuels:Recall the ALACX is already on record wrt to Privacy/Proxy goals. So if details would undermine that position, we would publish those to the relevant Standing At-Large WG for constituency remark and discussion
Carlton Samuels:BTW, the relevant Standing At-Large WG is now the Registration Issues WG; the two WG with jurisdiction on RAA issues have been folded into one
Graeme Bunton:Marika: sounds reasonable
Carlton Samuels:+1 to proposal
Holly Raiche:agree with proposal
Luc Seufer:agreed with 2 co-chair
Luc Seufer:s
Holly Raiche:That would be terrific if we could change times
Kathy Kleiman:alternating times is good idea
Volker Greimann:David, how late is it now on your end?
Holly Raiche:In Australia, the call is at 0200
Mary Wong:@Holly, what times are best for you? We need to check against other WG calls too.
Marika Konings:Alternating only works if others committ to do calls at 2 am too ;-)
David Cake:just about to hit midnight here.
Kathy Kleiman:alternating is what has always been fair...
David Cake:which means its ok for me, but probably a bit harsh for most Australians
Susan Prosser:alternating is fine, so long as it maintains a consistent schedule
Kiran Malancharuvil:I'm all about alternating
Mary Wong:Will do, Maria.
Luc Seufer:Thank you all
Tim Ruiz:Thanks Maria!
David Cake:(I'm the other end of Australia from most)
David Cake:thank you Maria
Carlton Samuels:Thanks All!
Maria Farrell:Thanks everyone!
Phil Marano:Thank you!
Kathy Kleiman:Tx Maria for chairing!
Susan Prosser:Thank you Maria, Mary & Marika