Summary Minutes 28 May 2008

Summary Minutes 28 May 2008

The liaisons and regional Secretariats were also invited to this meeting

Participants: C Langdon-Orr, V Scartezini, S Bachollet, H Diakite (Rapporteur), E Leibovitch (NARALO Secretariat), W Seltzer (Board liaison), J Morris (ccNSO liaison), J Hoffmann (EURALO Secretariat), B Brendler (gNSO WG liaison), A Greenberg (GNSO Liaison), C Aguirre (NCUC liaison)

Staff: N Ashton-Hart, F Teboul, M Langenegger

The Chair noted that it was important to go into the Paris Meeting prepared on the meetings and their agendas. She further suggested having the Liaisons to chair their respective cross-constituency meetings.

The Staff gave an overview of the agenda items of the cross-constituency meetings in Paris.

There was discussion on the Agenda on the cross-constituency meetings. A Greenberg, the GNSO liaison, will look at the agenda and will make comments online.
The ccNSO liaison will disucss with the ccNSO council about the proposed agenda and get back to the ALAC ExCom in a couple days.

W Seltzer asked why the ALAC supported the tripartite GNSO structure instead of the quadripartite structure proposed by the Board WG. She added that there were concerns from the contracting parties (Registrars and Registries) in this regards and wondered if the ALAC.

The Chair noted that the reason why the ALAC supported the tripartite structure should arise from the ALAC statement to the Board.

C Aguirre said that the agenda items of the NCUC-ALAC conference will the possible cooperation between NCUC and ALAC in the new GNSO. Other subjects will be IDN and WHOIS in ccTLDs.

The Chair noted that Agenda Items for the cross-constituency meetings needed to be finalised by the end of this month. This should be done that on the Internal List then the Agenda's become public...

Any other business

S Bachollet brought up the subject of the Saturday community dinner.

The community dinner will not be on Saturday evening but on Sunday evening. The Staff will send out an email to all the lists to inform them about this.