Summary Minutes 27 July 2010

Summary Minutes 27 July 2010

Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Alan Greenberg, Sébastien Bachollet, Carlton Samuels, Dave Kissoondoyal, Vanda Scartezini

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Seth Greene, Gisella Gruber-White

Cheryl communicated to the group that they will meet for one hour now, then reconvene. (We will work with Carlton online, since he is not available until Friday, which is too late to wait to reconvene.)

FOLLOW-UP ON 19 JULY ACTION ITEMS: Nothing still pending.

Carlton looked at reason PAD wasn't working. The reason – problem with algorithm – was fixed. Still to be fixed is timing of the automated responses; trying to figure out why they're coming out late.


Carlton identified the following issues for the Guidebook: control, beneficial ownership, and MAPO. These are three issues with terrorism issue. He indicated what he thought would be useful text, saying no consensus with control and ownership and saying that other groups are not comfortable with MAPO issue, as ALAC initially was. Seems as though adding MAPO issue would weaken statement.

Alan asked whether the group should endorse our previous statement only if that statement is short, so people read it. And if it's not short, we must shorten it.

Vanda is Concerned by ICANN's entrance into issues that are not our mission. So, this needs to have, from around Community, a reaction, in order to make Board aware of what is going on. Also, believes that all groups should make comments against, given that it's not our mission. Regarding DAG, we need to have very clear and short statement, so people can read (can e-mail statement around, easy to use words we wrote during the debate, etc.).

Cheryl participated in the Morality and Public Order, and work done by GAC and ALAC meeting. GNSO seems to be unaware of this work that's been done. Chuck set up list, with intent of it to be a joint (open, inclusive) list, but then forgot to inform ACs of list, and seems ignorant of existing work that has already been done. Within 7-10 days, GAC advice will formally call for cross-WG to come up with answers regarding implementation of recommendation 6 on Morality and Public Order; in same WG, can address terrorism issue. This work could be used by Board in its retreat. But now we must ensure that rank-and-file of At-Large, regions, etc. are involved in this when it comes out. Now, I encourage all possible to join the GNSO list on this topic. Wiki pages on this should also, sensibly, be GNSO. But all this will have to be as inclusive of our members as possible, and it certainly does not mean that we can not look into this important terrorism issue.

Alan noted that this issue is not dissimilar from Morality and Public Order. He assumes that the terrorism issue came out of belief that ICANN needed grounds to refuse a top-level domain request by a terrorist group. Likely a moot point, because US gov would likely tell ICANN it is not allowed to have financial dealings with a terrorist group requesting top-level domain.

Carlton agrees with Vanda's advice that we should simply state that we have a concern regarding going outside of our area.


Cheryl noted that having PAD statements on agenda as discussion and decisions points worked well.

Carlton made note of the issue of receiving the statements earlier because WGs are broadly based. On ccNSO re-delegation issue: we can put out statement.

Cheryl discussed this at APRALO meeting, and suggested they should put in own statement.

Carlton agreed that this is a good way to go forward.

Carlton also raised the issue of Budget and asked whether there is money to handle the volume of worked generated, especially in the area of Compliance.


Cheryl raised the issue regarding the statement at end of Brussels meeting might have been incorrectly misconstrued as criticism of head of Compliance, David Giza. We have known nothing but positive views of David, his inclusiveness, etc. Statement was meant to say we like what we see and would like more of it. And some of us fear that our words might have been misinterpreted.

Heidi acknowledged the concern and has agreed to follow up with management regarding the release of an official statement about David's departure. Second, Pam, who will be taking David's place, is happy to come onto one of our calls to discuss Compliance issues.

Alan pointed out that there are other departures, as well, that have not yet been announced. Transparency is concept lost on many in ICANN.


Cheryl reminded the group that statements that need to be done by next meeting should be divided into two groups.

Carlton expects to be done with the the following statements by tomorrow moring: Initial Report on Proposals for Improvements to the RAA , New gTLDs and Draft Applicant Guidebook, and Terrorism). Economic Analysis and Guidebook statements are needed.

Cheryl suggests an ExCom meeting on 2-3 August for review of these statements, etc.

Also, an ExCom meeting with Chuck, etc. on 9 Aug.

Community Calls:

Heidi has been tasked with following up on setting up a standing schedule for Community briefing calls (2 briefing calls per month staggered with policy development calls the following week).

Cheryl suggested topics for August include VI and Travel/Cross-Constituency discussion on General Assemblies.

Group will Skype on the ExCom Skype chat plans for reconvening this meeting.