action items 27 July 2010
action items 27 July 2010
Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO), Alan Greenberg (AG), Sébastien Bachollet (SB), Carlton Samuels (CS), Dave Kissoondoyal (DK), Vanda Scartezini (VS) Apologies:
Staff: Heidi Ullrich (HU), Matthias Langenegger (ML), Seth Greene (SG), Gisella Gruber-White (GGW)
HU to send bulk mail to Glen re putting ExCom members and staff on AC/SO GNSO MAPO mailing list.
GGW to send out Doodle for next formal ExCom meeting.
GGW to organize meeting with Chuck and Heather on 9 August at 21:00 UTC.
CLO, HU, GGW to work on times for forwarding-planning and standing meetings.
HU to follow up with Legal regarding question of Nom Com appointee and timing of applications.