action items 04 August 2010
Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) Alan Greenberg (AG), Sébastien Bachollet (SB), Carlton Samuels (CS)
Apologies: Dave Kissoondoyal (DK), Vanda Scartezini (VS)
Guests: Kevin Wilson (KW)
Staff: Heidi Ullrich (HU), Seth Greene (SG)
HU to follow up with GNSO side on JAS issue – on what they put in on the five items.
Staff and ALAC ExCom to look into mechanism and management of public-comment forms, responses, statements from ALAC.
Staff to broaden Travel Support Call agenda to include issue of LACRALO General Assembly.
Staff to set up public comment and vote on DAG 4 statement. Give full ALAC at least seven days of review, comments and five days of votes. Comments to close on Friday the 13 August. Start vote on following Monday 16 August.
Alan to do first draft of Vertical Integration statement from ALAC.
Staff to put out vote on VI statement on 12 August.
CS to approach James Seng to write statement on Interim Paper on Policy Aspects Regarding Introduction of Single Character IDN TLDs. Draft statement should be prepared by 14 August.
Staff to send out message to ALAC-Work list asking if they approve the three team review team applications names we have. Must respond by 5 days.
The Endorsement team will need a wiki page to work. Staff to get ALAC ExCom link to this page.
SG to send out a call for regional members to RALO mailing lists as it is now, saying that ALAC members (not ALAC ExCom members) would be on the work teams.