30 October 2009 - Action Items

30 October 2009 - Action Items

Action Items:

Excom (CLO) to do outreach with women in DNS/DK. It should be a connection point for regional activity to showcase AFRALO activities.

CLO to discus with chair of ccNSO issue of travel support for ALAC/ccNSO for double-dipping of Mohamed.

Kevin Wilson requests Alan Greenberg to draft a concise text regarding travel support and send to Kevin.

Staff to set up community call on travel with Kevin Wilson.

CLO/Dave Kisoondoyal to contact AFRALO and ask them to form a WG and collaborate with the ExCom for the planning of a Nairobi event to showcase AFRALO Secretariat.

Staff should propose to the RALO to discuss the incorporation of unaffiliated members in the regional organizations.

Staff to place a link to the PAD on the RALO workspaces.

Staff to link the name of a WG to the PAD.

At-Large staff to make a notice from Staff to the Board that the comment on the new gTLDs based on the availability of translated versions.

When PAD is updated, an announcement is sent ALAC-Announce. We need this to be in discussion. During the next ALAC, this amendment to the At-Large policy prosess needs to be voted upon. Once approved, then WGs must follow. Carlton Samuels will need to take responsibility for these announcements as part of his role as rapporteur.

ALAC needs to comment on the PC on Vertical Separation/Integration. We need to alert the community of this issue. A wiki workspace needs to be created for this issue with place for comments. This issue is unassigned in terms of WG.