Summary Minutes 13 April 2009
1. NomCom Discussion
NomCom is supposed to recruit for AP, Africa and Latin America. It is important to achieve gender balance and have the new regional representatives living in the region they will represent.
A Greenberg comments that some ALAC members - including nomcom reps have been poor performers in the past. C Langdon-Orr reminds that ALAC requests an extraordinary amount out of the members and get it 2/3 of the time from 1/2 of its people. There is a need for fresh perspectives.
The proposed candidates should ideally be fluent in English, be available on average two hours per day. They should be generalists and self-starters. Besides, there is a need for English speaking African representatives to also be considered for greater within region geographic diversity (Intra Regional diversity points made are applicable to all Nom Com Regional appointments and consideration of the elected representatives from RALO's also needs to be looked at in these terms as well).
2. Response to to ALAC Review
Trishia will ask to extend closing till 30th to allow for full vote on / ratification of the Statement. A Greenberg will have this up to the the list / Agenda in a few days. A Greenberg, S Bachollet and/or V Scartezini will make a seperate comment on Language skills as being specific to ALAC work as opposed to At-Large language diversity skills requests, that are rightly included in the ALAC Review paper.
3. New gTLD comments
The statement made in the Summit Declaration (and modified by the 'blended' ALAC WG) with the addition of a preface from the ALAC stating its endorsement has become an ALAC Statement and will be submitted to the comments list.
Nick or Matthias will set up a doodle vote on the proposed Alac statement first thing tomorrow morning.
4. New Stakeholder Group Charters
A Greenberg will prepare some comments regarding the New Stakehoder Group Charters and send them through the list to see what can be out in the next days. Others need to comment too. The same holds for the ICANN Board Review.
5. Budget and Finance Issues
The Budget and Operational Planning Briefing MUST be organised with Doug and Kevin ASAP! all items under 2 from this ExCom agenda to be included at that meeting . Some briefing materials on areas of interst from out (ALAC/ RALO POV) must be sent to Doug & Kevin to prepare for the call
6. Sydney meeting/ Travel set-up
A Greenberg said that ALAC ExCom needed to ask LACRALO who from their leadership would be able to attend the Sydney meeting to have at least one LACRALO regional representative at Sydney. Needs to be added to the LACRALO Agenda for this week.
7. IP/IRT Activities
Alac ExCom (CLO) needs to talk to H Xue, V Scartezini or B Brendler re IP/IRT Wg leadership within the next 2 days, to leverage on new volunteers and a work space for comment to the IRT's output must be prepared in a timely manner.
8. ALAC Agenda for April 28th will be prepared for ExCom Review and edit in the next few days to be posted by end of this week. (CLO:HU)