action items 22 July 2010

action items 22 July 2010

Staff to add Alan’s PENDR ad to agenda.

Carlton to look at PAD to determine what’s not working.

Staff to add to agenda (a) Alan’s PEDNR advertisement and (b) question of whether ALAC wants short comment (by, for example, Alan or WT) put out on ALAC’s behalf.

Staff to put red line through (remove from this agenda item) those items that have already expired.

Alan to forward the wording on PEDNR to ExCom by end of his day today.
Staff to put proposed PEDNR statement (with the wording) from ExCom into the for decision part of the ALAC agenda. Staff to also send to ALAC working list.

Carlton will send the RAA wording to ExCom and to the agenda for approval.

Staff to put proposed RAA statement in agenda under for decision section, as well as send to ALAC working list.

Staff to add these notes in PAD section of agenda:

  • PEDNR statement is in for decision section of agenda.
  • RAA statement is in for decision section of agenda.
  • Reminder that individuals should do Meetings for Next Decade survey.

Staff to make all same agenda changes (as with PEDNR and RAA statements) to the PDP Work Team Process item, adding proposed text for decision.

Carlton to send proposed Delegation/Redelegation statement to ExCom, as with RAA statement.

Staff to add Delegation/Redelegation proposed statement to agenda (in all same way as with other statements) – or just a notice about this proposed statement.

Matthias to bring up public consultation and draft statement on ccNSO Working Group Paper on Delegation, Redelegation and Retirement of ccTLDs in every RALO’s meeting before 10 September.

Staff to advise on necessary steps regarding ALAC’s making formal resolutions supporting the statements/comments (submitted by others) regarding (a) Economic Framework and (b) Travel items.

Carlton to provide and distribute text for DAG and terrorism issue.

Staff to change/add how DAG and terrorism issues are dealt with in agenda for 27 July ALAC.

ExCom members to review final agenda when it comes around, especially making sure nothing was left out. Send any proposed changes or corrections to the ExCom list.

Staff to send out wording of the proposed statements to be considered in the ALAC meeting is copied out to the ALAC Working List.