Action Items 17 August 2010

Action Items 17 August 2010

CLO to respond to Eric Brunner-Williams.

    • Boilerplate is that he can join NARALO as individual or can join an ALS. Also, welcome to join any of our WGs.

Going forward, when an Action Item is actually done during the meeting itself, it should list in minutes or summary minutes “Done during meeting” note or something equivalent.

HU to check with Liz in GNSO, if GNSO put on 4 or 5 items.

HU to send out message and set up wiki regarding Confluence.

Staff to create summary of the public comments on At-Large bylaw changes regarding At-Large Director.

HU to put the topic of At-Large Director rule changes in the Decision section of agenda of next meeting.

HU to put issue of proxies regarding At-Large Director on ExCom (or ALAC?) agenda for next meeting.

Staff to fix, if necessary, information regarding eligibility of ALAC candidates on ALAC election process on Web site/wiki.