Action Items ExCom 31 March 2010
At-Large Staff to contact D. Kissoondoyal to ask whom he would like to give his proxy vote to for regional matters.
At-Large Staff to plan a single purpose call on ALS engagement.
Staff to contact Sylvia/Siva to confirm most recent version.
Staff to contact Barbara Clay re single purpose call to discuss global outreach.
Staff to continue to update WG wikis.
Follow up with Vanda re location of Latin American meeting.
Staff to follow up with Rudi/Ron on poll. Include 2 or 3 questions from regions. Timing is to allow feedback (i.e., metrics) into budget/op planning prior to next input window into FY11 Operating Plan and Budget.
Seth to contact Matthias re question to include in poll noted above.
ExCom to develop the draft Global DNS-CERT Business Case and place it on the DNS CERT call wiki prior to the DNS-CERT briefing call taking place on 9 April.
ExCom agreed that the ALAC should develop a statement on the Report of Possible Process Options for Further Consideration of the ICM application for the .XXX gTLD (ends 10 May 10). Statement should be a brief reiteration: “We support to carry it out in an expedient manner. We would like to see it settled quickly and in a defendable manner.” Drafting to be owned by the new gTLD WG and ALAC
Staff to place item of Report of Possible Process Options for Further Consideration of the ICM Application for the .XXX gTLD on regional agendas - asking regions to feed in - reiteration or any new info.
At-Large staff to encourage H. Xue to submit draft APRALO statement on Proposed Implementation Plan for Synchronized IDN ccTLDs (extended to 17 April) by 9 or 10 April. The APRALO statement is then to be incorporated into an ALAC statement prior to vote.
ALAC text to include: “open to expedient solutions that are safe and secure. J. Seng to draft ALAC statement.
ALAC statement on IDN Variant and IDN 3-Character: At-Large Staff to confirm with James whether he or staff should submit to the public statement (with rider that statement is currently under a ratification vote). CLO and HU to add paragraph - send back to James to submit; 5 day vote to begin on modified statement.
At-Large to note EURALO’s request to offer O. Crepin-Leblond travel support to participate in the 38th ICANN meeting to replace D. Greve who is unable to attend.
At-Large Staff to create a Wikispace/Commons where members of the At-Large community may raise issues or opinions on related to the Accountability and Transparency Review Team as well as serve as a means to encourage discussion and debate on what is raised within the Review Team.
ExCom to ask A. Greenberg, in his capacity as GNSO liaison, to request clarification on the joint AC/SO Working Group to try to help disadvantaged new gTLDs “our curiosity why this change was seen as necessary…” A. Greenberg, S. Bachollet, and C. Samuels to own shared responsibility on this to ensure that information is brought back into ALAC.
At-Large staff to subscribe ExCom members and V. Scartezini Vertical Integration list.
CLO, S. Bachollet, and At-Large staff to develop draft ALAC Statement on the FY11 Operating Plan and Budget. Start vote ASAP.
At-Large to complete Summary and Analysis of White Paper Public Comment Consultation and post ASAP.
27 April ALAC meeting to include feedback from the RALOs on the suggested meetings and agendas of At-Large meetings to be held during the 38th ICANN Meeting in Brussels.