ALAC ExCom 14.04.11 Action Items

ALAC ExCom 14.04.11 Action Items

ALAC Chair correspondence to other ICANN groups

Olivier to contact Board Chair re possible Board request for a JAS WG status report made via Staff, rather than via Chairs of WG's chartering SO and AC.  (For topics to cover and possible wording, see 14 April 2011 ExCom summary minutes.)  - DONE

Olivier to make requests to GAC Chair for (i) a May "get to know each other" call between ExCom and GAC Chair/leadership and (ii) a GAC-ALAC meeting in Singapore. - IN PROGRESS

Olivier to make request to Chair of GNSO's Business Constituency (BC) for (i) joint BC/At-Large social event during Singapore and (ii) joint planning call before Singapore.  (Call topics to include identification of interaction goals, hot button topics, and size of Singapore joint event.)  - DONE

ALAC agenda

Olivier and Staff to put the following onto the agenda of next ALAC meeting:

  • Board resolution on Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation, along with context provided by Sebastien, in order to consider cross-regional links
  • Identification of data to be shared with registrars
  • Formal vote of thanks to Staff for "Confluence Wiki Guide"
  • Danny Younger's comment regarding cyber-squatting registrar ("For what it's worth, I would like to see the ALAC release a statement that says:  We have taken note of yet another lawsuit naming an ICANN accredited registrar as a serial cybersquatter.  We call upon the ICANN Compliance Department to act to eliminate the rogue registrars within our midst.  For details see:  http://domainnamewire.com/wp-content/above-verizon.pdf.") -- to be presented to ALAC by Cheryl
  • Cross-Community Work Groups (C-WGs), including Geo Regions Review WG, JAS WG (if not a separate agenda item), Study Group on Names of Countries & Territories, DNSSSA WG, Technology Evolution of WHOIS Service -- to be presented to ALAC by Cheryl
  • WG on Future Challenges; topics to include formalizing charter, leadership, and memebership; potential concerns include diverting people's time, redoing work already done by past WGs (e.g., WG on At-Large Engagement in ICANN), having access to past WGs' archives/information, and which current WGs would WG on Future Challenges consume

Singapore meetings

Staff to arrange the following ALAC/At-Large meetings in Singapore:

  • GAC-ALAC meeting
  • GNSO's Business Constituency (BC) - At-Large social event
  • With Compliance team (40 min.);
  • With NomCom stakeholders (regarding consumer issues?);
  • WG on Future Challenges (on Sunday);
  • Review of all new (WG on Future Challenges) and existing ALAC/At-Large WGs (on Sunday). This discussion is to include a discussion of (i) needs of these WGs (e.g., update member lists, call for new ALAC members in each, create/reinvigorate mailing lists), (ii) what it means to have standing WGs and (iii) need for chartering in order to define goals and endpoints (in light of Improvements Project work, need broad input into these matters) 

Board resolutions

Staff to follow up with Sebastien on context of Board resolution on Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation. - IN PROGRESS

At-Large knowledge management system

Olivier to write short description of his expectations for ALAC/At-Large knowledge management system.  (Plan and team should include Cheryl, given her historical knowledge of ALAC/At-Large, and Cintra, given her knowledge management expertise.) - IN PROGRESS

ExCom/ALAC and Staff to review SocialText wiki pages related to past ALAC/At-Large WGs and arrange for important WG information/material (minutes, action items, etc.) to be archived in retrievable format, such that current WGs can access to ensure not redoing work already done.  (This can be part of new At-Large knowledge management system.  ExCom/ALAC to determine what types of information is worth keeping; must consider regional/cultural differences re best practices -- hence, strong RALO involvement.) - IN PROGRESS

Lessons learned from At-Large-selected Director process

Cheryl to manage remaining debriefing needed regarding At-Large-selected Director processes.  (Possible tasks include:  Continued BCEC debriefing, candidate debriefing, report including lessons learned, and public comment period for report.  Possible means of debriefing:  Teleconference, group mailing, and/or request for written statements from candidates.)

At-Large collaboration with ICANN Communications

Staff to place on RALO agendas:  (i) discussion of RALO communication needs, (ii) potential involvement in At-Large collaborations with Communications, and (iii) feedback on this for ALAC/ExCom.   IN PROGRESS

ExCom and Staff to plan single-issue call for Communications (Scott Pinzon) and RALO leaders, to be held after ALAC/ExCom receives feedback on Communications topics from RALOs.

ExCom to determine which RALOs are ready to be part of next At-Large collaboration(s) with ICANN Communications, including podcasts.

Staff to add link to ICANN e-Learning page to main RALO wikis and individual ALS wikis. IN PROGRESS

Staff to confirm that RSS feed is working. - IN PROGRESS