26 June 2008 RRC Summary
Present (At-Large): J Ovidio Salgueiro, S Bachollet, E Leibovitch, I Aizu, J Morris, F Seye Sylla, C Langdon-Orr (Chair), V Scartezini, A Greenberg, L Donnerhacke
Staff: T Cole, F Teboult, M Langenegger, N Asthon-Hart
Summary Minutes prepared by Staff in the first instance
The Chair noted that a request had been made to have the recent proposals regarding the RAA translated. She asked the Staff when those might be expected. The Staff noted that the request had been transmitted and was awaiting internal clearance before translations could be ordered.
The Chair introduced the two items of the agenda and opened the floor for a discussion on the Summit proposal.
Present and Discuss At-Large Summit Proposal
A registrar representative noted that any comments made were in personal capacities and not on behalf of the RRC as a whole.
E Leibovitch briefly summarized the Summit proposal at the request of the Chair.
An RRC member noted that there was a need for those with a technical bent to participate, especially in helping to define the characters that were undefined in IDNA. He said that he hoped that At-Large would activate its network to help provide that kind of advice.
An RRC participant asked if an analysis had been done to see if participation would be higher in Mexico City or Cairo. S Bachollet responded that this was not something that had been looked into.
It was discussed in detail whether Cairo or Mexico City was more expensive.
The Staff will make sure the Summit proposal will be sent to the discussants.
Discuss Registrar Accreditation Agreement
The Staff will explore the opportunity to have telephonic briefing on the RAA amendments.
T Cole gave a quick review on the recent amendments to the Registrar agreement. One of the goals of the amendments was to better monitor compliance of re-sellers through the RRA. (see http://www.icann.org/topics/raa/)
I Aizu noted that there were some problems related to the data escrow system as it was unsure which jurisdiction was applied.
T Cole noted that Iron Mountain was the biggest provider of this kind in the world and also had a licence in Europe.
E Leibovitch asked how it was made sure that the data, escrowed or not, was accurate.
T Cole noted that the RAA amendment process has been long and collaborative and thanked every body involved.
C Langdon-Orr noted that it was distressing that the At-Large community missed the briefing sessions by T Cole. She expressed hopes that there would not be as many schedule conflicts in Cairo as there were in Paris.
The meeting was adjourned at 0928 Paris time.
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