13 January 2009 Summary Minutes

13 January 2009 Summary Minutes

Participants ALAC: C Langdon-Orr, A Greenberg, S Bachollet, V Scartezini, A Peake, , P Vande Walle , B Brendler, F Seye Sylla, C Aguirre, J Ovidio Salgueiro (joined at 1400 UTC)
Apologies: H Diakite, W Ludwig
Absent: V Vivekandan, R Guerra, TH Nguyen (technical reasons), M El Bashir
Liaisons: W Seltzer, A Piazza
Guests: Liz Gasster
Staff: H Ullrich, M Langenegger, MH Bouchoms

1. Roll Call

The quorum was reached at 12:50 (UTC) (see above for participants)

2. Adoption of the Agenda

The agenda was adopted. The chair decided to slightly alter the order to start with the business items and the actions to take. The present summary minutes follow the actual progression of the meeting.

3. Proposal to move the ALAC monthly meeting time

A new Doodle will be started which contains the times from the previous slot and adds the last Saturday and Sunday of the Month as additional options to the 4th Tuesday of the month.

ALAC monthly meetings should occur before the monthly RALO’s gatherings.
Staff will add the Saturday/Sunday option on the Doodle vote and the ALAC members will have up to 14 days to vote. A reminder will be sent by staff.

4. Review of current status of ALS applications

7 current applicants:

CETIC AJB, Internauta Venezuela, AUI Peru: currently waiting for Due Diligence
Bokk Jang Bokk Jef, CAPDA, FMAI: Regional advise not received yet

ALAC vote on the NAROLO regional advice for Knujon.
Approved: A Greenberg, C Langdon-Orr, V Scartezini, C Aguirre, P Vande Walle, A Peake, S Bachollet, F Seye Sylla, H Diakite – no abstentions

Knujon is accepted as certified ALS

5. Proposal of the GNSO/ALAC chair for a joint NCSG WG

In favour: (H Diakite, F Seye Sylla, A Greenberg, S Bachollet, C Langdon-Orr, V Scartezini, P Vande Walle, A Peake, C Aguirre)
C Aguirre, A Greenberg, C Langdon-Orr, A Peake, S Bachollet volunteered to be part of this working group.

F Seye Sylla will send an email for African volunteers, A Greenberg will ask D Younger and B Brendler from NARALO to volunteer.
CLO insisted on the heavy work commitment: a minimum of one teleconference per week is required.

CLO will work with A Doria to settle a Doodle meeting times voting poll

6. AOB

1. Agenda and ALS google.doc

A Peake complained about the fact that there are no date stamps with any last-minute agenda modification which renders the follow-up difficult.

It was suggested to resort to the revision tag for previous views of it.

A Peake also complained about the current layout of the Google.doc for the ALS applications and does not permit an effective web-based tracking.

2. Reported cases of non-compliance issues with the RAA

B Brendler called the attention of the ALAC to a number of comments received concerning specific compliance issues (onlineNic, GoDaddy) and referred to D Younger’s comment requesting the ALAC to advise the ICANN Board to revoke the accreditation of failing registrars.

C Langdon-Orr said these cases could be used to serve in the RRA WG. At ALAC level they can only be discussions in terms of principles of registrar/registry relations since ALAC does not have the resource to do due diligence.

V Scartezini said there should be a fast-track between ALAC and the Council for these individual cases to be addressed to the Council staff who would do a formal due diligence.

A Greenberg said there needed to be a liaison to which these issues could be brought, a streamline procedure. The ICANN Board would not intervene for such operational issues at the level of isolate cases.

W Seltzer noted that the OnlineNic court issued a default judgment. Default judgment does not indicate that a court evaluated the merits of the case.

A Peake suggested that the issue of registrar compliance could be put on the agenda for the ALAC-Board meeting in Mexico.

ALAC members will discuss online about the proper conduit.

H Ullrich will create a Wiki page with the current registry/registrar relations that will serve as a discussion point at the Mexico meeting.

ALAC will arrange a teleconference call with services staff and any other party before the next ALAC meeting.

C Landon-Orr and A Greenberg will contact NARALO to clarify ALAC role on this matter.

H Ullrich will place the discussion about the role of each structure: RALO’s, ALAC and ALSes on the Mexico Agenda

3. ALAC/GNSO discussion about NCSG

AI: C Langdon-Orr will tell A Doria that ALAC wishes to be involved in the commercial stakeholder group formation to represent the individuals.

A Greenberg reminded that there would also be a public comment period when the commercial stakeholder group publishes their charter

4. Registration abuse Policy

L Gasster commented that there is an Issue Report about the domain registrations abuse and a drafting team is currently preparing a recommendation on what the GNSO should do. The team is due to report back to the GNSO in 4 weeks. There is still possibility to join the team. The IR has been translated into five languages: EN, FR, SP, RU, and AR
She added that there will be an e-crime workshop in Mexico. The next drafting team meeting will be on 16 January 1500 UTC and B Brendler will attend it.

7. Topics to discuss at the joint SO/AC meeting in Mexico.

There was confusion about what the percentages of the 2nd survey outcome report meant and how they should be read. The layout will be redrafted and then the survey outcome will be sent to the ALAC members. They will chose a topic or add topics in view of the SO/AC summit meeting at Mexico as the survey serves two ends: summit WG and SO/AC Mexico meeting on day 1.

Staff will work with ALAC ExCom to rework the layout of the results and have it distributed to the ALAC members and will set up a doodle vote for the topics.

8. Revision of 9 December 2008 action items

PSC: the recording of the PSC meeting extract is missing. It is needed to prepare the statement for the PSC and staff will remedy to that shortly.
GNSO single purpose call on new gTLD’s occurred on 18 December.

A resource page for ALAC statements on gTLD’s was set up (linked to the agenda). It includes two postings from B Brendler, one with an overview of general statements to consider and the other with specific comments on each module of the new GTLD guidebook.

B Brendler will refine the documents, incorporate into it the comments received and produce a first draft statement to send to each RALO to comment within 2 weeks. The individual comment of the RALO’s as well as the individual comment of the ALSes would be appended to it and sent to the ICANN Board after an ALAC vote on it.

A Greenberg commented that there would be a teleconference meeting of the GNSO on 15 January 1600 UTC, open to all interested during the week, the purpose of which being to discuss the changes ICANN staff made on the initial GNSO recommendation that was approved by the ICANN Board.

C Langdon-Orr said she would attend it and keep AlAC posted.

9. GNSO Whois Study (Liz Gasster participation)

Liz Gasster, GNSO Policy officer, explained the historical background of the demand for possible WHOIS studies. She commented that back in 2007, the GNSO had decided that comprehensive studies of WHOIS would be needed to inform the policy debate. In February 2008, the GNSO solicited proposals for these studies from the public and the GAC. The GAC submitted 15 proposals, the community 25. These proposals had been categorized in function of logical groupings and divided into theoretical subject areas. Now, they solicit the viewpoints from the constituencies and the ALAC and the GAC to assess the level of importance of feasibility of each study proposal.

She then explained the two documents given: the report of 26 August 2008 with a link to the proposals and an Excel spreadsheet with the actual priority ratings given by the constituencies. (See recordings 1:55). Originally the Council wishes the comments before 16 January but there could be a request for extension of the time. NCUC and the RC don’t want any study.

The Council also wishes to receive commonly understood definitions on 8 terms and ALAC members are asked to read the proposed definitions and comment on them. The proposed terms are based on past discussions and articles. Individual comments are expected any time within the two next weeks at policy-staff@icann.org.

L Gasster clarified that for the feasibility rating, ‘o’ meant that one did not know and ‘-1’ one did not think that was feasible, ‘1’ meaning it is feasible.

B Brendler said he and D Younger had participated very early in the process. He recommended to read the GAC’s proposals first as they were consumer-focused.

It was agreed to set up a doodle poll for a one single topic call prior to the deadline of the ranking poll a week before the end of the month. The voting will be instantaneous and B Brendler would arrange the final document for the GNSO

Staff will work with L Gasster to set up a doodle vote for the topic call on WHOIS ranking studies. The call will be held a week before the end of the month

Staff will see if a meeting between L Gasster and the RALO’s meetings still to run this month can be arranged to discuss WHOIS documents

10. Update on Mexico summit

C Langdon-Orr said she has received no feedback from the ALAC letter to the Board concerning the past Cairo Summit problems but that this would be handled by the new PP WG

There were great concerns about the flying plans and the programmed return flight on the Thursday afternoon. ALAC and the RALO Senior officers should attend the ICANN Board meeting on the Friday.

S Bachollet commented that all the At-Large participants should be entitled to stay until Friday so that they could see the whole process from beginning to end.

It was commented that since ICANN announced that the per diem of the GNSO participants would be adjusted in case they had internet included in the room, it implied that there would be funds for ALAC participants for internet.