26 June 2008 SSAC Summary Minutes

26 June 2008 SSAC Summary Minutes

Participants: members from the SSAC and the ALAC

Staff: D Piscitello, N Asthon-Hart, F Teboul, M Langenegger

Summary minutes prepared by Staff in the first instance.

The Chair started the meeting at 1308.

The discussants introduced themselves.

The Chair gave a short introduction into SSAC’s activities.

C Langdon-Orr and the Chair thanked D Piscitello for the presentation he gave to the At-Large community.

C Langdon-Orr noted that it was crucial to have simple language texts of SSAC’s activities and noted that some of the SSAC advisories are being translated.

S Crocker said that he was happy about the large interest for outreach activities and asked C Langdon-Orr how the At-Large community could be included in this. He further noted that SSAC would in the future look at the target audience of each report.

There were two outcomes of this meeting: First, the opportunity of further translations of SSAC document will be explored. The SSAC will identify the target audience of its reports and chose a simpler language if appropriate.

C Langdon-Orr noted that she enjoyed the meeting and looked forward to having another meeting in the future.

D Piscitello said that he enjoyed the telecast and looked forward to give further briefings on current issues. He further encouraged the participants to visit his webpage where he published several articles on security issues, some of them of introductory character and no longer than 400 words (http://www.corecom.com/html/technology_corner.html)

The meeting was then adjourned.