28 July Action Items
28 July Action Items
28 JULY 2010
- When the Call for SOIs actually goes out, a notice to be sent to BCEC containing all - final documents.
- Staff to not post any names in the candidate table until instructed by the chair of the BCEC.
- Staff to give editing rights to all members of the BCEC.
- Explanatory text to be added to table: the following table will be added some 48 hours after the close of applications.
- Staff member, Marilyn Vernon, to prepare a test case which will be posted to the BCEC page for candiates.
- Staff to work with Technical support on AC room problems.
- Staff to look into procedures for press release.
- Staff to develop toolkit to be given to the members of the BCEC.
- CLO and Staff to ask ICANN's Legal team to prepare text to be placed on public sites.