Action Items 04 August 2009 EN
Wendy will get in contact with LACRALO and ask them how many are subscribed to the Spanish language ICANN tweet.
Staff will ensure that the selection criteria of the NomCom will be noted in the upcoming election call for NomCom appointees.
Staff will ask for a French and a Spanish version of Alan’s Draft ALAC Position Description and the cover letter to that document and open and 20 day public comment period on the document in those languages when the translations are in.
Staff will shortly send out a Doodle with 2-3 proposed timeslots for a meeting with ICANN CEO Rod Beckstrom. Heidi from Staff will also announce it during the next RALO calls to ensure RALO participation.
Staff will set up a 7-day online vote on the following resolutions, which were discussed today:
• Resolution on Procedure for At-Large Community Consultations on Draft Statements
• Resolution on Announcement of Public Consultations to Working Groups
• ALAC Resolution to Amend Minutes of 28th April 2009 Meeting
Staff will start a 5-day public comment period followed by a 7-day online vote on the following two resolution, which were discussed during today’s call:
• Resolution on Transmittal and Announcement of Adopted ALAC Statements and Advisories
• Resolution on Creating an At-Large Review WG Implementation Plan