22 December 2008
Participants: D Younger, A Greenberg, C Langdon-Orr, S Bachollet, C Samuels, B Brendler
Staff: T Cole, K Pritz, L Gasster, H Ullrich, M Langenegger
A discussion regarding nuances of contract language in article 5.4 of the RAA agreement took place. The consensus was tha it would not be practical to use those clauses as ways to getting the changes made.
With regards to whether the RAA Package needed to be accepted in its entirety or not, K Pritz explained that it was not possible to accept parts of it because it was not a Policy Development Process. He added that the ICANN legal team, which could not join this call, expressed the same view in earlier occasions.
K Pritz pointed out that the RAA Package needed to be accepted by the registrars after it has been accepted by the GNSO Council and the Board. He added that one of the problems of the RAA is that it was difficult to amend the current document and that it would be even more difficult in the future with possibly hundredths of additional participants in the market. He further noted that he was disappointed with some of the language in the amendments because he thought it did not go far enough but he believed that the current version was the best possible under current circumstances.
It was noted that there will be another public comment period before the RAA package went to the Board.
D Younger noted that he was in favor of accepting the amendments if Staff was confident that the amendments were sufficient to handle a possible future scenario with many more registrars in the market and provided there were future possibilities to further amend the document.