Action Items
Action Items
At-Large Action Items (Brainstorm)
Post-Los Angeles:
- Issues:
- new gTLDs
- censorship/internet freedom
- privacy
- accountability
- Domain Tasting
- Registrar Accreditation Agreement
- accountability
- escrow
- Registry contracts, competition
- Keep an eye on ICANN pages:
- Openness and Transparency
- Redelegations
- Strategic plan
- ICANN's mandate (mission creep)
- ICANN's budget
- new gTLDs
- Outreach plans
- Education
- Status of briefing documents, how can we get them prepared?
- IPv6
- testing IDNs
- At-Large Summit
- Internet Users' Bill of Rights
- User concerns: which ones are within ALAC's mandate?
- Access
- privacy
- domain hijacking
- Accountability of ALAC members to the committee, engagement and commitment of all
- accountability to RALOs and ALSs
- Accountability of ALSs
- Relationship with other constituencies
- source of inputs, possible collaborations
- At-Large Review
- Comments on other structural issues
- NomCom review
- GNSO review
Possible outputs during and after meetings
- informal contacts
- interventions at Public Forum and Board Public Forum
- individual or ALAC statements
- workshops
- briefing papers
- expressions of views of at-large users
- one-pagers for education of users / journalists
- submissions to the board / GNSO Council
- press coverage