22 July 2008 Summary Minutes
ALAC Teleconference for July 2008
Present: C Langdon-Orr (Chair), J Salgueiro, B Brendler, S Bachollet, N Thu Hue, I Aizu, J Morris (ccNSO liaison – attending electronically), A Greenberg, H Diakite
Observers: O Crepin-Leblond
Staff: F Teboul, N Ashton-Hart
Apologies: W Seltzer (Board Liaison), H Xue (IDN Liaison), A Muehlberg, C Aguirre, V Scartezini, F Seye Sylla
Absent: R Guerra
Minutes Taken by: Staff
The meeting began informally at 13:42 UTC with a briefing by A Greenberg summarising the progress of the GNSO Improvements Working Group on GNSO Council structure until the meeting became quorate.
The meeting began officially at 13:49 UTC when it became quorate.
A Greenberg proposed the following Motion (seconded by I Aizu):
> "ALAC shall formally dissent from the result of the working group on GNSO Improvements if the word 'registrant' is not replaced with the word 'user' as regards representation in the GNSO."
A Greenberg suggested that slight changes to the wording might be necessary but that the above substantially represented his intention.
NOTE FROM STAFF: on August 21st the motion was edited as follows:
> "If the report of the Working Group on GNSO Council Restructuring is issued without endorsing the the user of the term "user" instead of "registrant" for the non-contracted commercial and non-commercial stakeholders groups, the ALAC shall formally advise the Board to do so."
NOTE FROM CHAIR - until the rewording is listed in this record it should be noted that it is not the result of the GNSO Improvements WG that we will dissent from, but rather any result from the WG that does not use the term 'user' as opposed to 'registrant' will trigger a formal written response from the ALAC pointing out our concerns , disappointment and dissent from that aspect of any agreement on representational structure and design...
The Chair stated that the members of ALAC supporting A Greenberg’s efforts were to meet with him tomorrow and that the completion of the above could form part of the work of that meeting.
The Chair asked if there were any objections. None were registered subject to H Diakite needing to discuss the matter in French with S Bachollet immediately following the teleconference. H Diakite registered an abstention until that conversation.Done and non objectition or abstention registered.
Item 3 – Adoption of the Minutes
The Chair proposed the adoption of the minutes from the series of meetings in Paris as follows:
• 443-alac-index.cgi?10_june_2008_summary_minutes
• 443-alac-index.cgi?22_june_2008_gnso_summary_minutes
• 443-alac-index.cgi?22_june_2008_oneday_summary_minutes
• 443-alac-index.cgi?23_june_2008_ccnso_summary_minutes
• 443-alac-index.cgi?24_june_2008_bo_summary_minutes
• 443-alac-index.cgi?24_june_2008_gac_summary_minutes
• 443-alac-index.cgi?24_june_2008_summary_minutes
• 443-alac-index.cgi?26_june_2008_rrc_summary
• 443-alac-index.cgi?26_june_2008_ssac_summary_minutes
The Staff suggested that if comments could be made using the comment button, rather than inline changes, to the adopted minutes this would allow adopted minutes to remain unaltered.
There were no objections. A Greenberg abstained.
I Aizu proposed the modification to the ALAC/GNSO minutes (or others as appropriate) to include the participants from the GNSO and a header describing the title of the meeting to be included.
There was no objection to this amendment.
Item 4 – Review of Action Items
The Action Items were approved without objection.
Item 5 – Review of Current ALS Applications
The Chair asked the Staff to review the applications. The staff read through them and noted the next procedural step was as noted in the agenda.
The Chair asked if any ALAC member had requested a vote at present. The Staff noted that there had been a question of procedure related to calling for a vote in this instance, by V Scartezini, but she had not asked for a vote.
The Chair asked if any Member wished to call for a vote and announced that if there were no such request, the ALS applications would all be approved per the regional advice.
There was unanimous agreement with the Chair’s statement.
Item 6 – Liaison Reports
The Chair drew the attention of members to the published reports and requested liaisons to ensure their reports are linked to the agenda.
Item 7 – Issues to Be Raised at the ICANN Board Meeting
Item 8 – Ratification and Status of ALAC Statements
The Chair noted there were no statements to be approved at this meeting.
Items for Decision at This Meeting
Item 1 – ALAC List Structure and Moderation
The Chair introduced this topic by asking A Greenberg to review the proposal and it was noted that it had been held over from a previous ALAC meeting.
Acceptance moved the acceptance, excepting the names of the lists: A Greenberg
Seconded: I Aizu
The Chair asked if any further comments from Members. There being none, the Chair asked if any Members wished to oppose or abstain on the motion.
With respect to the names of the lists,
A Greenberg Moved:
> That ALAC-INTERNAL shall be used only for confidential matters (as defined in the original proposal);
> That ALAC-ANNOUNCE should be created for announcements;
> That ALAC should become the committee-only, publicly-readable list, and that the present ALAC list should be renamed ‘AT-LARGE’;
> The above being subject to technical viability, subject to not losing the entire archive of any list.
A Greenberg asked if there were any comments on this proposal.
The Staff noted that it was not thought possible to rename a list per se.
S Bachollet supported the proposal if it were technically possible as it would be the most logical.
I Aizu added that he agreed with A Greenberg and S Bachollet but said that it would be better, even if an archive were lost, that this was worthwhile to make things clearer.
S Bachollet seconded the motion.
It was noted that there would be a need for transitioning as otherwise those who have been corresponding on the ALAC list will receive bounced messages.
The Motion was adopted without objection.
A Greenberg offered his thanks to the Committee.
The Chair proposed a short, single-agenda-item teleconference to deal with moderation of email lists. She further proposed that any concerned party should be allowed to participate in this call.
S Bachollet supported this proposal.
Items for Discussion Only
Item 1 – Public Consultations
The Chair noted the various consultations. She further noted that the ALAC Working Group on IDNs would be responding on Item 1(1).
Item 1(2)
It was noted that there were translations imminently on the RAA Amendments documents by the Staff. It was further noted that it was intended that briefings would be held on the RAA Amendments process. The Staff and B Brendler undertook to schedule a briefing as soon as practicable, taking into account the delivery dates of translations.
Item 1(2)
The Chair asked if there were proposals, other than for the ALAC Executive to draft a response, on this consultation. There being none, the ALAC Executive would be meeting and this would be on the agenda for that meeting.
Item 2(1)
The Chair asked if someone from ALAC would represent it on this working group.
A Greenberg noted that there was an enquiry from M EL Bashir about participation from his ALS but no reply from him had been forthcoming.
The Chair asked if this could be pursued intercessionally, and made clear she wished that an ALAC member could volunteer for this matter.
Item 2(2)
The Chair asked for a volunteer to represent ALAC on this working group. S Bachollet volunteered.
Item 3
The Chair noted that this was of great interest to At-Large. She noted further that if this community-wide working group were brought into being the regions needed to begin work now on the issue.
The Chair asked if there was any other business.
There being none, the meeting was adjourned at 15:17 UTC.