26 June 2008 SSAC
26 June 2008 SSAC
At-Large Community - Paris ICANN Meeting
At-Large Community / Securtity and Stability Advisory Committee Meeting
Date: 26 June
Time: 13:00 - 13:30
Location: Jacob
Remote Participation: none
Interpretation (Simultaneous): none
Attendees: At-large Community members, Security and Stability Advisory Committee (Closed Meeting)
Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/MT.32/9
Summary Minutes: 26 June 2008 SSAC Summary Minutes
Action Items: 26 June 2008 SSAC Action Items
Transcription: No transcription for this meeting
Recording: No recording available for this meeting
Documents: TBD
The agenda is subject to ongoing changes
1) Fast Flux Hosting – SSAC’s views on how this problem, and others like it, could best be dealt with in the ICANN context;
2) Domain Name Front Running – discussion of the view of the practice from both Acs and any possibilities for constructive engagement on the issue
3) Future / Current work of SSAC – how can At-Large work with SSAC on its work which is germane to the concerns of the Internet end-user?