31 March 2008

31 March 2008

ALAC Finance and Budget Subcommittee Teleconference for March 2008

Date: 31 March 2008

Time: 1200 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

Summary Minutes: Summary Minutes 31 March 2008

Action Items: Action Items 31 March 2008

Recording: Available late April


> Agenda Item 4
>>> AL.ALAC/BUD.SC/0308/1/1 (EN) - Draft Statement of the ALAC On a Travel Policy for Volunteer Travel
>>> Travel Policy Consultation information at: http://www.icann.org/public_comment/#travel-policy
> Agenda Item 5
>>> AL.ALAC/BUD.SC/0308/1/2 (EN) - Draft Statement on the FY 2008-2009 Budget and Operating Plan Framework

>>> Operating Plan and Budget for FY 2008/2008 information at: http://www.icann.org/planning/#participate
> Agenda Item 6
>>> AL.ALAC-BUD.SC-0308-1-3

Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/BUD.SC/0308/1


Agenda is in draft form until adopted by the meeting. Some agenda items have documents attached to it. If available, the document is next to the agenda item.

Please do not insert text next to agenda items. The agenda will be easier to read without explanatory text attached. If you would like to add text, please create a new page and link it to a agenda item.

  1. Roll Call and apologies from the Members (if any)
  2. Designation of a Chair for the Meeting
  3. Adoption of the Agenda
  4. Response to the Public Consultation on a Travel Policy for the ICANN Volunteer Community - Document AL.ALAC/BUD.SC/0308/1/1 (EN)
  5. Response to the Public Consultation on Operational Planning and Priorities for FY 2008/2009 - Document AL.ALAC/BUD.SC/0308/1/2 (EN).
  6. At-Large Community Priorities with a Budgetary Impact 2008/2009 AL.ALAC-BUD.SC-0308-1-3
  7. Any Other Business

Remote Participation Details


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First, LACRALO Secretariat request that ALAC revise the statement on Global Outreach in the Draft statement on FY2008/2009 Budget and Operational Plan with one that explicity reminds ICANN that funding is required to support messaging of ordinary internet users of its role in internet governance as well as the policy positions it adopts. For example, some of the outreach activities of ARIN could be adopted. I know the AT-Large staff has prepared a brief in this area but I would recommend that we make that objective as explicit as possible.

Secondly, LACRALO Secretariat endorses the entire statement on a policy for volunteer travel.


contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2008-03-30 17:24:53 GMT