14 October 2008

14 October 2008

ALAC Monthly Teleconference

Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.0810/1

Date: 14 October 2008

Time: 1330-1500 UTC

(For the time in various timezones click here)

Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)

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¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia?

Who is on the dial-out list for this call?

ALAC Participants: V Scartezini, C Langdon-Orr (Chair), I Aizu, P Vande Walle (left at 1428 UTC), C Aguirre, J Salgueiro (left at 1448 UTC), S Bachollet, H Diakite, F Seye Sylla (joined at 1406), A Greenberg (left 1424 UTC), R Guerra (left at 1401 UTC), B Brendler

Liaisons and guests: R Shearwood (left at 1431 UTC), H Xue (IDN Liaison), D Younger

Apologies: J Morris (ccNSO lisaison), W Ludwig (EURALO Secretariat), W Seltzer (Board Liaison)

Absent: M El Bashir, A Muehlberg, T Nguyen

Staff: N Ashton-Hart, M Langenegger

Summary Minutes: 14 October 2008 Summary Minutes

Action Items: 14 October 2008 Action Items

Transcription (EN): available towards the end of October

Recording (Stream Server): EN FR ES (not uploaded yet)

Documents (EN):

  1. ALAC Overview Report on ALAC Review Final Report (AL.ALAC/OVR.0908/1.Rev1 EN)
  2. Statement of the ALAC on the GNSO WHOIS Hypothesis Working Group Studies Report
  3. Request for Issues Report on Post-expiry Domain Recovery


30 Minutes before the start of the official meeting, members of the At-Large community are invited to a discussion on the following issues:

Standing Agenda Items

  1. Adoption of the Agenda – 1 min
  2. Roll Call Apologies from Members (if any) - 1 min
  3. Adoption of the 09 September 2008 Summary Minutes
  4. Review of the 09 September 2008 Action Items - 8 mins
  5. Review of current status of ALS applications (Google Docs account needed to access) - 5 mins
  6. Liaison reports
  7. Issues to be raised at the ICANN Board Meeting
  8. Ratification and Status of ALAC Statements (see Decision Items below)

Items for Decision at This Meeting

  1. Recovery of Expired Domain Names - The request of an Issues Report on the ability of registrants to retrieve domains after expiration.
  2. ALAC Overview Report on ALAC Review Final Report (AL.ALAC/OVR.0908/1.Rev1 EN): The online vote did not result in a quorate result. Click here to review the results of the vote.
  3. Statement of the ALAC on the GNSO WHOIS Hypothesis Working Group Studies Report.
    1. See this URL to review amendments between the original text and the final draft.

Items for Discussion Only

  1. OneDay workshop in Cairo draft Agenda is up what prep work can be done before this (e.g. Job descriptions for ALAC Roles; WG Reports etc.,)
  2. As we encourage greater interaction between the ALAC and RALO activities can we / should we have reports from the RALO's uploaded to future Agenda's (post Cairo)

Any Other Business

  1. ALAC representative to the dotMobi Policy Advisory Board for 2009. ALAC has one seat on the Advisory Board; John Levine is the current 2008 representative. The new PAB term commences on 1 December 2008. (reference documents have been uploaded)
  2. Planning our response (Pre-Cairo to the “Initial Thinking” Report of the Board Governance Committee ALAC Review Working Group on ALAC Improvements.
    Unknown macro: {expected to be published in the week beginning 13th Oct.}

Reference Materials for Review

dotMobi documentation sent as background etc., is uploaded to this page

Why aren't the NCUC and SSAC liaison reports posted?

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