24 June 2008 GAC Summary Minutes
Participants: Members from the ALAC and the GAC
B de la Chapelle from the GAC chaired the meeting.
New gTLDs
There was some discussion on the new gTLD progam, particularly with regards to the GNSO recommendation dealing with morality and public order.
W Ludwig noted that one has to be careful not to use morality as a tool of censorship.
E Leibovitch asked the GAC members what they thought of the inclusion of these concepts in the documents.
The Chair noted that this was a complex subject and that we were meeting to exchange ideas, and so definitive outcomes were not the point.
E Da Silva (Brazil) remembered that the GAC never used the notion of morality and public order.
There seemed to be similar views held with regards to the fact that there needed to be an international regulatory body for new gTLD.
There was some discussion about the idea that the more open to all registrations a TLD is, the less relevant the TLD string itself actually is.
I Aizu noted that it seemed to be unsure whether there were enough financial incentives to have the business sector lead the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. He asked the members of the GAC about their opinion.
There was not enough time to answer his question.
B de la Chapelle noted that an important aspect that needed to be considered was the openness to registration process at the second level domain. This could have an influence on the process.
Towards the end of the session, the Chair resumed the meeting. He noted that more attention could be paid in GAC deliberations to the connection between rules associated with objections to a TLD, and the openness of that TLD to second-level registrations and the restrictions (or otherwise) for second-level registrations. With regards to potential barriers to entry for some applicants, he said that commercial TLDs could be treated differently than non-commercial TLDs. He noted that the question of the consequence of an explosive growth in the number of registries to users needed to be explored. The Chair added there was a need to discuss sensitive issues such as morality and public order early. The more the GAC, GNSO, and CCNSO get together to discuss these issues early, the better.
The Chairs of the two communities will get together to see how further interactions could be held.
The meeting was then adjourned.