Action Items 25 August 2009 EN

Action Items 25 August 2009 EN

Action Items from the Previous Meeting:

Carryover (from 28 July): Carlos was asked to post the document that was recently drafted in LACRALO. Adam Peake was asked to comment on the document within the next 14 days (awaiting LACRALO consensus on the text prior to posting)

Seoul Meeting Agenda

Staff to extend Seoul Tuesday 0900-1030 ALAC Meeting until 12:30

Staff to verify whether it is possible to have an APRALO meeting on Tuesday from 1400-1500 in Seoul.

Staff to re-contact the NCUC with respect to the joint session on Tuesday.

Staff to find a time for the Secretariats to meet, preferably at 1600 Tuesday (depending upon the scheduling of the NCUC meeting).

Staff to move the content of the planning session scheduled for Monday to the end of the day on the Sunday. Hold the Monday slot for the present.

Chery will contact Janis from the GAC whether it would be possible to have lunch with ALAC on the Sunday. Staff to remind Cheryl to check at the next ACSO meeting.

Staff to check whether it would be possible to reserve a RALO meeting room for the entirety of the Seoul conference. Staff to verify whether an AFRALO meeting before the Secretariat meeting would be possible.

Open Public Consultations

Patrick and CLO to draft a short statement supporting the SSAC retreat for ratification. Staff to add it to the PAD.

Staff to start a five-day vote on the Statement on Public Consultation on ICANN Meeting Dates Geographic Rotation 2011-2013 (AL/ALAC/ST/0809/1 Rev1) immediately. ExCom is to send the document to the Board as an ALAC Advisory accompanied by a note saying that the statement will be put to vote immediately.

Staff to organize a briefing on Geo Regions Report on 7th September at 2000 UTC and send out announcements.

CLO to draft a letter from the Chair of the ALAC on the NCUC statement on the "Top 10 Myths" related to the NCSG to correct some to the misstated facts from the NCUC statement.

Staff to start a public consultation on the Draft Implementation Plan Outline for At-Large Review Final Report recommendations starting on 1st September and ending on 30th September.