Action Items 22 September 2009 EN

Action Items 22 September 2009 EN

Staff to organize a briefing/webinar on the post-JPA situation and ask Theresa Swinehart and Nick Thorne to attend the Presentation and discussion in Seoul.

Policy Advice Schedule:

Staff to add the following items to the PAD:

  • Statement on SSAC retreat agenda
  • Document Publication Operational Policy (ends 8 October)
  • At-Large Position on vertical integration registries/registrars (the issue will first be discussed in Seoul)

ExCom to produce a draft Statement on Document Publication Operational Policy. Staff will send the ExCom an overview of the ALAC Statements where translation requests were previously mentioned.

EURALO, and LACRALO ALAC Members to ask their regions if they support the NARALO and APRALO position on the Board approving new constituencies in the NCSG

Staff to check with AFRALO in respect of the NARALO and APRALO position on the Board approving new constituencies in the NCSG

Staff will start a vote on the Draft Implementation Plan Outline for At-Large Review Final Report recommendations on 07 October. The wording of the vote should make clear that the ALAC supports the general intentions of the document.

Gareth will advise the members of the ALAC on necessity for the ALAC to comment on the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B

Seoul Agenda:

Staff to follow up with members of the At-Large Trademark Issues Working Group regarding the agenda of their meeting in Seoul

Staff will add the following agenda items to the Sunday agenda:

  • Education Issues for TLD Managers
  • Discussion of process of selecting an At-Large Director

Staff will add the following agenda items to the Policy discussions on Tuesday:

  • IIC/JPA Conclusion - 1.5 hours - Lead discussants: Sebastien (and Adam) - potentially with a briefing
  • Root Scaling Study & Relation to new gTLD Programme - Lead discussants: Adam (and Patrick) - potentially with a briefing by Dave Piscitello
  • Position Description and Performance Indicators - Lead discussant: Alan
  • New gTLDs - Changes in DAG v3 - Lead discussant: Alan - potentially with a briefing
  • At-Large Position on vertical integration registries/registrars - Lead discussant: Alan

Policy Working Groups:

Alan will ask Beau whether he would be willing to be the ALAC lead in the RAA Registrant Rights Charter WG and RAA Amendments WG. If Beau is not available for this role, Alan will assume it.