13 January 2009 Action Items
*1. ALAC monthly meeting schedule*
Staff will add the Saturday/Sunday option on the Doodle vote. The Saturday/Sunday need to be after the monthly APRALO meeting. ALAC Members will answer the doodle poll within the next 7.
Staff will send reminders to ensure that everyone votes
*2. Proposal of the GNSO/ALAC chair for a joint NCSG WG*
A Greenberg to contact D younger and B Brendler to ask for his participation to GNSO/ALAC WG
H Diakite, F Seye Sylla to email within 2 days AFRALO for volunteers to GNSO/ALAC WG
CLO and A Doria to settle a Doodle voting poll for the GNSO/ALAC WG meeting times
*3. Reported cases of non-compliance issues with the RAA*
ALAC members will discuss online about the proper conduit to report isolate cases of registrar failing compliances.
H Ullrich will update the wiki workspace on registry/registrar relations
ALAC to arrange teleconference call towards the end of this month before the next ALAC meeting with services staff and any other party interested, i.e. D Younger, to discuss about the right process to address the registrar failing compliance issues
A Greenberg will draft a short ALAC statement for the services staff and NARALO outlining ALAC’s role with regards to RAA compliance issues.
AI: H Ullrich to place the discussion about the role of each structure: RALO’s, ALAC and ALSes on the Mexico Agenda (actions they can take on comments reporting non-compliance of registrars reports, etc.)
*4. Registration abuse Policy*
RALO’s are to disseminate the IRTP on Registration abuse policy among their members
*5. PSC Committee*
staff to proceed to the PSC recording extraction and posting
*6. New gTLD guidebook*
RALO’s will have two weeks to comment on a draft statement on gTLD guidebook that will be sent to them
*7. GNSO Whois Studies*
Staff to see if a meeting between L Gasster and the RALO’s meetings still to run this month can be arranged to discuss WHOIS documents
Staff to work with L Gasster to set up a doodle vote on meeting times for the topic call on WHOIS ranking studies. The meeting should occur before the week of 26 January.
ALAC participants to look at the commonly agreed definitions on WHOIS studies terms and comment on them through the comment list policy-staff@icann.org within two weeks.