23 February 2010
ALAC Monthly Teleconference
Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.0210/1
Date: Tuesday 23 February 2010
Time: 1500 - 1630 UTC
(For the time in various timezones click here)
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/alac2010/
Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)
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Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
Participants: Carlton Samuels, Alan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, James Seng, Sébastien Bachollet, Patrick Vande Walle, Carlos Aguirre, Dave Kissoondoyal, Ron Sherwood, Adam Peake, Vivek Annand, Vanda Scartezini, Dev Teelucksingh, Hawa Diakite
Guests: Rudi Vansnick, Evan Leibovitch, Vanda Scartezini
Apologies: Wolf Ludwig, Beau Brendler, Sylvia Herlein Leite
Absent: Mohammed El Bashir
Staff: Seth Greene, Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Gisella Gruber-White
Action Items: EN, FR, ES
Adopted Motions: EN, FR, ES
Transcription: EN, FR, ES
Recording: EN, FR, ES
Documents (EN):
I. Standing Agenda Items (20 - 25 min)
1. Adoption of the Agenda – Call for Any Other Business or Other amendments (2 min)
2. Roll Call Apologies from Members, if any (1 min)
3. Review of the Action Items - EN and Transcripts (EN,FR,ES) from the 26 January 2010 ALAC Meeting (10 mins)
4. Review of Current ALS Applications (3 mins)
a. ALAC vote to approve the application of Liberia Chapter of the Internet Society started on 23 February 2010
b. Update on status of application of Asociación CONEXIÓN al Desarrollo de El Salvador
5. Reports (5-10 minutes)
a. Liaison Reports
Note: There will be no discussion of liaison reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any Liaison who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting,or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda.
>> Board Liaison Report: February 2010 Report, ( List of all previous Board Liaison reports )
>> GNSO Liaison Report: February 2010 Report, (List of all previous GNSO Liaison reports)
>> ccNSO Liaison Report: February 2010 Report, (List of previous ccNSO Liaison reports)
>> SSAC Liaison Report February 2010 SSAC Report, ( List of previous SSAC Liaison reports )
>> IDN Liaison Report: IDN Liaison Report February 2010, ( List of previous IDN Liaison reports )
>> dotMOBI Liaison Report: No report for February 2010, ( List of all dotMOBI Liaison reports )
b. Working Group Reports
Note: The Chair formalized her request during the 22 October 2009 meeting for the Officers of the At-Large Working Groups to submit monthly reports.There will be no discussion of Working Group reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any At-Large Working Group Officer who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting,or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda.
Standing Working Groups
> At-Large Engagement in ICANN: February 2010 Report( Main Wiki Page )
> Future Structure, Accountability and Transparency of ICANN: February 2010 Report( Main Wiki Page )
> New gTLDs: February 2010 Report( Main Wiki Page)
> Technical Issues: No report for February 2010 ( Main Wiki Page )
> IDN Policy: No report for February 2010 ( List of IDN Liaison reports )
> At-Large Registrants Rights and Responsabilities: No report for February 2010. ( Main Wiki Page ) The discussion of an Aspirational Registrant Rights Charterwill be discussed during the Nairobi Meeting.
> WHOIS Policy: No report for February 2010 ( Main Wiki Page )
Joint GNSO-ALAC Working Groups
> Joint GNSO-ALAC RAA Related WG activities - click here for joint GNSO-ALAC RAA-related workspace
>>>> i. Update on Working Group A (Registrant Rights Charter)
>>>> ii. Update on Working Group B (Additional Amendments to the RAA)
Ad-Hoc Working Groups
At-Large Name Issues Taskforce: No report for February 2010, ( Main Wiki Page )
c. RALO Reports:
>> Note: The Chair formalized her request during the 22 October 2009 meeting for the Secretariats of the RALOs to submit monthly reports.
>> There will be no discussion of RALO reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only.
>> AFRALO (AFRALO workspace)
>> APRALO (APRALO workspace)
>> EURALO (EURALO workspace)
>> LACRALO (LACRALO Workspace)
>> NARALO: (NARALO Workspace)
II. New Business
For Decision
6. Criteria and Process for Endorsing ALAC Candidates for the Position of AoC Volunteer Review Team Member - (30 - 40 mins)
The Affirmation of Commitments calls for a periodic review of four key ICANN objectives: 1) Ensuring accountability, transparency and the interests of global Internet users;
2) Preserving security, stability and resiliency of the DNS; 3) Promoting competition, consumer trust and consumer choice; and 4) Whois policy.
In parallel with this process, ICANN is currently inviting interested individuals to express interest in serving as a volunteer review team member, representing a Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee. This is a permanent call for applications; however, candidatures for the first review 'Accountability and Transparency' will be accepted until the 7th of March 2010 at midnight UTC.
According to the AoC, the A&T review team will include the following (or their designated nominees):
- the Chair of the GAC
- the Chair of the Board of ICANN
- the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information of the DOC
- representatives of the relevant ICANN Advisory Committees (AC) and Supporting Organizations (SO) and independent experts.
The draft review proposal calls for one representative of the ALAC. The comments received on the draft proposal included many requests for a larger review team allowing for additional representatives from various ACs and SOs. Applicants for the review team positions must be endorsed by the AC or SO that they wish to represent. The ALAC is in the process of designing the procedure under which it will endorse such candidates.
According to the AoC, selection of the A&T review team members will be made jointly by the Chair of the GAC (in consultation with GAC members) and the Chair of the Board of ICANN.
a. ALAC Decision Requirements for Endorsement of AoC Review Team Candidates:
- Do we wish to “endorse” all applicants to want to represent us?
- If not, how do we select one or more?
- Regardless of the above, do we want to indicate an order of preference?
- If we do any sort of selection, what criteria do we use? Specifically, how do we recognize the person(s) who we will endorse to represent us. To what extent should prior knowledge of ICANN, prior involvement with ICANN, and prior involvement with the formally defined At-Large Community be factored in?
- Given the time frame, to what extent can the entire At-Large Community - the ALSs, RALOs and even the entire ALAC MEANINGFULLY participate?
- To what extent do we wish to require ALAC specific information from the candidates? If any, what? Note that the inclusion of the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information of the US Department of Commerce sets the tone for this group – it is a HIGH-level group of people.
- To what extent, at this late date, do we issue a further call for applications?
- Do we wish our endorsed but not accepted candidates to be held for future reviews?
- Do we want to consider the option of equity with the GAC and the Board by allowing our Chair or her/his delegate to participate in the process? Among other merits, it makes the representative responsible to and answerable to the ALAC and implicitly At-Large?
b. ALAC Applications and Endorsements of Candidates
Note: As confirmed by Marco Lorenzoni, the deadline for AoC Review Team applications is 07 March 2010 at 23:59 UTC.
i. Volunteer AoC Review Team Applications
ii. Applicant for the Review Team on Accountability and Transparency
Proposal for discusion and decision: Shall the ALAC endorse the Chair of the ALAC as an Applicant for the Accountability and Transparency Review Team?
7. Endorsement ofABSC Candidates (10 mins)
As stated in the ALAC and At-Large Community White Paper, the ABSC should be composed of two representatives from each ICANN region and an independent Chair with voting rights.
Items For Discussion
8. ALAC Improvements (10 mins)
a. Introduction of ALAC Improvement Project Manager
Seth Greene (Short Bio: Seth%20-%20short%20bio%20-%20Final.doc )
b. Next Steps
9. ABSdt: Next Steps
For Information: click here for At-Large Director selection workspace - (10 mins)
Item for Information
10. Final At-Large Meeting Scheduled for Nairobi Meeting
For Information: click here for the ICANN Nairobi Meeting page
a. At-Large Meeting Agendas
11. Any Other Business
If time for any other business, there's a new public comment on "One & Two-Character .INFO Domains" Follows the recent dot CAT request. Think it's time for a review of policy for one and two character names in all gTLDs.
Request to staff - the most recent security warning, and one that seems to have caused quite a few to pull out of attending the Nairobi meeting http://nbo.icann.org/meetings/security-information-11feb10-en.htm about planned attack on the KICC. Warning not corroborated elsewhere. Not on the Dept of State site, not on the Nairobi US embassy site. Good that ICANN told us of a threat, but was it "serious"? There are threats all the time in every country. Given the lack of any supporting info, it would be good to know.
contributed by ajp@glocom.ac.jp on 2010-02-23 10:29:28 GMT