12 August 2008 Action Items
The ALAC ExCom will draft a short statement for the Board Liaison to submit at the next Board meeting on behalf of ALAC.
It was suggested that there should be short monthly telephone conference for the Secretariats. The Staff will follow up on this. The agenda item on ALS-RALO-ALAC communication will be revisited once the ALAC-announce list has been well established and after the monthly Secretariat meetings have started.
The Staff will send a message to the RALOs asking them to nominate new regional NomCom candidates or re-appoint the current members. The deadline for submissions will be 25 August. The ALAC then has until 1 September to take a decision.
It was decided that the agenda item "Discussion/Decision on ALAC Statement on GNSO Council Structure WG Report"goes to an online discussion until 25 August.
The following agenda item has been moved to the next ALAC meeting: ALAC Member Reporting/Recording of Activities, Areas of Interest and WG Commitments. There should also be an online discussion on this issue until the next ALAC meeting.
B Brendler volunteered to take the lead in the drafting of a "Registrants bill of rights" and will contact the registrant constituency. A draft document will be ready by the ALAC September meeting.