22 September 2009

22 September 2009

ALAC Monthly Teleconference

Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.0909/1

Date: Tuesday 22 September 2009

Time: 14h00 - 15h30 UTC

(For the time in various timezones click here)

Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/alac22092009/

Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)

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List of attendees 22 September 2009

Apologies: F. Seye Sylla, Rudi Vansnick, Hawa Diakite, Wolf Ludwig, Beau Brendler

Action Items: EN, FR, ES

Adopted Motions: EN, FR, ES

Transcription: EN, FR, ES

Recording: EN, ES, FR

Documents (EN):


Standing Agenda Items (20 - 25 min)

> 1. Adoption of the Agenda – CALL for Any Other Business or Other amendments - 2 min
> 2. Roll Call Apologies from Members (if any) - 1 min
> 3. Review of the Action Items of 25 August 2009 (EN). See Transcriptions of 25 August 2009 (EN) - 5 min
> 4. Review of Outstanding ALS Applications - 3 mins
>> a. Ofok Al-Tanmia (AFRALO) (see interim vote results)
>> b. Organizcao das Executivas de Tecnologia da Informacao e Comumicacao (NEXTI) (LACRALO)

> 5. Reports - 5-10 minutes
>> a. Liaison Reports

>> Note: There will be no discussion of liaison reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any Liaison who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting,or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda.
>> Board Liaison Report: no report for September, the Board Meeting agenda of 30 September will be posted 7 days prior to that date;
>> click here for the previous Board meeting agenda, ( List of all previous Board Liaison reports )
>> GNSO Liaison Report: no report for September
>> ccNSO Liaison Report: Report from 29 August 2009 ( List of all ccNSO Liaison reports )
>> SSAC Liaison Report September report ( List of all SSAC Liaison reports )
>> NCUC Liaison Report: no report for September ( List of all NCUC Liaison reports )
>> IDN Liaison Report: Report from 31 August ( List of all IDN Liaison reports )
>> dotMOBI Liaison Report: no report for September ( List of all dotMOBI Liaison reports )
>> b. Working Group Reports:

>> Note: The Chair will be formalizing her request during this meeting for the Chairs of At-Large Working Groups to submit monthly reports.
>> There will be no discussion of Working Group reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only.
>>> At-Large Engagement in ICANN: no report for September ( Main Wiki Page )
>>> Future Structure and Governance of ICANN: report for September Work in progress ( Main Wiki Page )
>>> New gTLDs: no report for September ( Main Wiki Page )
>>> ICANN Transparency and Accountability: no report for September ( Main Wiki Page )
>>> DNS Security Issues within ICANN's Remit: no report for September ( Main Wiki Page )
>>> IDN Policy Report from 31 August ( List of all IDN Liaison reports )
>>> Registrant-Registrar Relations Policy: The RRR Working Group is beginning work on a Registrant Bill of Rights / Registrar Best Practices. Please find all related information at the Registrar Code of Practice page. ( Main Wiki Page )
>>> At-Large IRT Process: no report for September ( Main Wiki Page )
>>> IPv4-IPv6 Migration: no report for September ( Main Wiki Page )
>>> WHOIS Policy: no report for September ( Main Wiki Page )
>> c. RALO Reports:

>> Note: The Chair will be formalizing her request during this meeting for the Secretariats of the RALOs tosubmit monthly reports.
>> There will be no discussion of RALO reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only.

> 6. New Business - Matters for Review / Decision / Discussion
> Elections and Appointments 2009 . See also Item 6 under For Discussion below.

For Decision

> 1. Finalisation of the At-Large Seoul Schedule and agenda
>> a. Open Issues for ALAC to Decide at this meeting:
>>> i. Confirm that all ALAC agendas are complete. The following ALAC meetings appear to have incomplete agendas:

  • ALAC Policy Discussion Part 1 on Tuesday, 27 October, 09:00 - 11:00
  • ALAC Policy Discussion Part 2 on Tuesday, 27 October, 16:00 - 17:30
  • (At-Large Trademark Issues Working Group on Wednesday, 28 October, 14:00 - 15:30)

>> b. Note the deadlines below which have been decided upon by the Board:
>>> Wed, 2 September 2009 - Meeting Confirmation Forms Due (meaning the basic time and date for a meeting and the AV requirements must be known)
>>> Wed, 9 September 2009 - Public Schedule Posted on the Meeting Website (including agendas)
>>> Wed, 30 September 2009 - SCHEDULE CLOSED, No further changes, including changes to text of agendas
> 2. Review of At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule for Deadlines
>> a. The following open consultations are not presently scheduled for an At-Large response, would the ALAC like any of these to be added to the Policy Advice Development Calendar?
>>> i. Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Development Process
>>> ii. Document Publication Operational Policy

For Discussion

> 1. Draft Implementation Plan Outline for At-Large Review Final Report recommendations adopted by the Board - click here to review the text
>> Consultation closes on 30th September
>> Final text incorporating comments open for ALAC vote on 7th October, closing 12th October
>> Staff transmits text to the Board Structural Improvements Committee for review in Seoul immediately thereafter.

> 2. Developmet of Process for the At-Large community to select a voting Board Member
>> a. A process needs to be agreed by the ALAC which allows a proposal to be transmitted to the Structural Improvements Committee in advance of the Seoul Meeting. The normal document deadline for Seoul documents is 9th October 2009.
>> b. At-Large workspace for discussion of a draft has been prepared at: https://st.icann.org/working-groups/index.cgi?at_large_director_appointment_process

> 3. RAA Related Activities
>> a. Joint GNSO-ALAC RAA Related WG activities - click here for joint GNSO-ALAC RAA-related workspace
>>> i. Drafting Team Charter accepted by GNSO
>>> ii. Call for volunteers to join RAA Registrant Rights Charter WG and RAA Amendments WG
>> b. Recommendation to the Board Related to the New RAA
> 4. Language Issue in Public Consultations
> 5. Education Issue for TLD Managers (Patrick) - click here for background information
> 6. Position Description for ALAC Members and ALAC Liaisons - update on status
>> Draft + comments
>> Draft with comments embedded
>> Version for approval
> 7. Proposed SSAC WG on Internationalised WHOIS
> (Reference material: Resolution estatablishing a GSNO/SSAC WG on Internationalized Registration of Data; Presentation by Ram Mohan, Afilias;
> Presentation by Dave Piscitello, ICANN; SAC 037;

Other Business

> 1. Presentation on post-JPA proposal (Vanda)
> 2. ALAC NCUC Liaison Issue
> 3. Discuss response to the NCUC statement on the "Top 10 Myths" related to the NCSG
> 4. NARALO request for ALAC statement to the Board rejecting NCUC proposals related to the NCSG



Please be advised that the North American community remains quite concerned by ongoing problems associated with WHOIS inaccuracies. We expect the ALAC to investigate the issues associated with proxy registrations, to compile their findings, and to arrive at implementable recommendations that serve the needs of the public interest. It's time that the ALAC became as productive and as thorough as other Advisory Committees... (and that doesn't mean burying this project in a WG where no work will ever get done) – it's time for you to accept your responsibilities, to take a "Committee of the Whole" approach and do this properly for the sake of the impacted user community. The ICANN Board has granted the At-Large a director's seat at the table in light of their belief that the ALAC is showing signs of maturation. Please live up to the trust that has placed with you and start dealing with these legitimate user concerns.

    • Danny Younger –

contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-09-16 23:15:36 GMT

The North American community has raised a concern that the NCSG has put forward a proposal that the GNSO refrain from approving constituencies and making a move on constituency proposals for another year. The NA RALO is asking the ALAC to make a public statement that it does not believe that this is necessary and that the NCSG's proposal should be rejected.

Beau Brendler

contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-09-21 17:25:56 GMT

NARALO / Beau I assume you mean NCUC where you wrote NCSG in your comment as it is:
1. the NCUC that made the call for no new Constituencies and the delay
2. new constituencies are integral to the transition plan for the currently Board approved NCSG Charter GNSO Council seat / Leadership mix to move from the three (3) seats to existing NCUC and three (3) seats appointed by the Board in response to SOI's already called for and I assumm that NARALO wishes to NOT delay on us moving forward and just making the Chartered NCSG work as it is designed to and reject the NCUC proposal for a new Constituency Group moratorium for 12 months... Please confirm as the above could be read to be a call to REJECT the NCSG proposed and Chartered by the Board...

contributed by cheryl@hovtek.com.au on 2009-09-21 23:17:03 GMT

I can confirm that it was NARALO's intent that it was NCUC's proposal that we wish to be rejected.


contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-09-22 14:12:04 GMT

This isn't quite what the NCUC's asked for in it's letter to the board about the NCSG http://www.icann.org/correspondence/ncuc-to-beckstrom-18aug09-en.pdf

The board's resolution says it will review the charter in a year.

NCUC's asked to work with the board immediately to resolve differences over the charter. The NCUC asked for a delay in endorsing new constituencies until such time as they had chance to negotiate a charter acceptable to all. Their letter said:

"Third, because of the danger of locking in a suboptimal structure, we ask you not to
approve any new Constituencies under the SIC and ICANN staff-imposed transitional NCSG charter until the ongoing debates over the status of Constituencies and their role in the NCSG is resolved next year."

The intent is that as soon as negotiation/resolution happens and the constituencies are then resolved (I think it could have been better worded.) There was no intent to delay a year. I know this is the NCUC's intent, so will tell them to check their letter for ambiguity...

The reason the NCUC gave is concern that constituencies once approved will be locked in and this would raise problems regarding the "interim" charter. i.e. once created under the interim charter, any review after one year as the board has proposed would be largely meaningless, a review could do no more than tweak around the edges. So the NCUC's proposing sorting things out and creating an permanent charter acceptable to all.

contributed by ajp@glocom.ac.jp on 2009-09-22 14:16:29 GMT