27 May 2008

27 May 2008

ALAC Monthly Teleconference for May 2008 (second part of May meeting)

Date: 27 May 2008

Time: 1330 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)

Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)

Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.0508/2

Summary Minutes: May Meetings Summary Minutes (13 May and 27 May)

Action Items: May Meetings Action Items (13 May and 27 May)

Transcription (EN): available in June

Recording (EN): https://media1.icann.org/ramgen/ALAC/alac-27-05-2008.mp3

Documents (EN):

Note that some documents will be posted less than 7-3 days in advance of the teleconference due to final versions being prepared by subcommittees of the ALAC close to the meeting.



Standing Agenda Items

The Standing Agenda Items were already discussed at the 13 May meeting

Items for Decision at This Meeting

  1. ALAC Statement(s) - Lodged since last meeting review and ratification of status (see also Board Liaison Report) ; to be considered -> Domain Tasting
  2. ALAC Working Groups / Representaion of Regions
  3. Public Comment periods on ICANN Policy Matters -> a motion to raise this matter of suitable time for input by the ALAC, RALO's, ALS's and At-Large (with ? support from other User constituencies) to be raised for the Boards attention.
  4. List Moderation issues.

Items for Discussion Only

  1. ALAC Review
  2. Better engagement of RALO's and ALS's in Policy Development
  3. List suggestions for ALS 'Review'
  4. Paris Planning * One Day Workshop * Other Meeting Agenda(s) * Workshops * WG & Regional Reports
  5. Summit Planning Update
  6. WG Activities Current * IDN -> IDNC Fast Track regional and ALS Feedback required * New gTLD's * Whois * IGF Workshop (NEW proposal)

Any Other Business

Reference Materials for Review

Remote Participation


English Channel:

> Ms Vanda Scartezini
> Mr Mohammed El Bashir
> Mr Ron Sherwood
> Ms Nguyen Thu Hue
> Ms Hong Xue
> Jaqueline Morris
> Jose Ovidio Salgueiro

French Channel:

> Ms Fatima Seye Sylla
> Hawa Diakite

Spanish Channel:

> none at present

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Dial-In Numbers

USA: Toll-Free (North America Only): +1 (800) 550-6865 / USA Toll: +1 (213) 233-3193

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