Action Items 23 March 2010 EN
Action Items 23 March 2010 EN
AI: Staff to organize a community call on DNS cert
AI: Sylvia will work with Siva to develop updates of her presentation on the Global Outreach Program and will circulate a new version in two weeks time.
AI: HU to invite Barbara Clay to a single issue call on the At-Large Global Outreach Program in April.
AI: Staff to update the WG wikis in the week of 22 March
AI: Staff will change the BCEC - correction in name will be made in White Paper.
AI: Staff will request Vanda to provide feedback on the location of the Latin American meeting
AI: Staff to send a message to ALAC-Internal confirming their availability to travel to Brussels ASAP.
AI: Matthias to work with Rudi and Ron on the ALS poll on ccNSO matters and to place on agendas of RALO agendas.