24 June 2008 Summary Minutes
Participants: B Brendler, , I Aizu, J Morris (ccNSO liaison), S Bachollet, C Langdon-Orr (Chair), V Scartezini, A Greenberg, C Aguirre, J Ovidio Salguero, R Guerra, F Seye Sylla, H Diakite, M El Bashir, A Muehlberg
Staff: N Ashton-Hart, F Teboul, M Langenegger
The Summary minutes were prepared by the Staff in the first instance.
Discuss the new navigation Structure of the At-Large Website
M Langenegger gave a presentation on the new proposed website navigation.
Front Running (audio recording starts at 20:30)
A Greenberg said that the GNSO was discussing putting the Front Running issue on hold. A Greenberg had been asked for thoughts on whether there is an ALAC/At-Large perception that the GNSO should go full speed ahead on the front running issue regardless of the changing AGP environment (recognizing that work put into this impact progress on possibly more crucial issues). (see front running)
A Greenberg proposed to put it on hold during six month.
The ALAC and the regional Secretariats supported this motion by consensus.
Developing a best practice model for ALS <=> RALO <=> ALAC communications and policy development INCLUDING mechanisms for the development of ALAC Policy Statements (audio recording starts 24:50)
N Ashton-Hart gave an overview of the proposed Policy Advice Process
A Greenberg noted that as an Advisory Committee the ALAC can approach the Board at any given time but that there was a risk that the policy development process went on in the meantime and that the ALAC could not give an input.
C Aguirre said that there were several reasons why not all of the subjects can be covered by all regions. For example, the workload to be involved in all meetings is simply not manageable.
N Ashton-Hart from Staff noted that in the past he was the one who usually drafted the ALAC statements and tried to summarize the views held within the community. He cautioned that in the future as there would be more public consultations, it would be difficult the find the Staff resources to write all these Statements. His personal opinion was that it was unreasonable to ask volunteers to respond to all the consultations. He encouraged the ALAC to think about the sustainability of this process and to perhaps think of reducing the number of consultations they respond to.
A Greenberg said that he wished that some of the issues were not pushed as aggressively by ICANN.
R Guerra noted that in the future, the ALAC might have to think about delegation as the number of issues and complexity of them will increase. He suggested having experts within At-Large for certain issues.
C Langdon-Orr said that such a system was already in place with the working place.
C Samuels said that the best model in his view was that people from the region get involved in the working groups and he said he saw this coming. He added that he was not worried about the fact that not all regions were interested in all the issues. The way to go forward in his view was to have combined cross-regional working groups. This gives the ALS representatives an incentive to integrate themselves in the process.
A motion was put forward by the Chair to have a teleconference between the ALAC and the regional Secretariats on 12 August.
The motion was accepted by consensus.
The regional Secretariat will be invited to the ALAC teleconference on August 12th to discuss best practice models for ALS <=> RALO <=> ALAC communications.
Presentation on new data on consumers and ICANN issues. Beau Brendler, (20 mins) (starts at 54:16 into the audio recording)
B Brendler gave a presentation on a recently conducted survey about Internet use in New York State. Click here to see the presentation
He noted that he data is statistically representative of New York state only, but the questions cover issues such as WHOIS, what is the proportion of registrants to consumers.
A Muehlberg said she found it shocking to see how little consumers knew about how the Internet worked, especially if you consider that the users in this study knew English.
C Aguirre noted that often not only the so-called experts on consumers and security issues were specialists.
Presentation of Board Liaison candidates (starts at 1:10:40 into the audio recording)
W Seltzer and B Brendler introduced themselves as Board Liaisons.
Both candidates will be presented to the RALO/ALAC community on a teleconference.
The Staff will schedule teleconferences with the Board liaison candidates. There will be a doodle sent out by Staff to that effect.
The Staff will put up a Doodle to find a slot for each RALO to talk to the Board candidates.
List moderation (starts at 1:31:20 into the audio recording)
The issue of will be discussed on the internal mailing list and decided at the next monthly ALAC teleconfernce on July 8th.