29 March 2010 Action Items
Staff to place issue of whether regions feel that At-Large is working for itself rather than for the overall benefit of ICANN on the next cross-regional Secretariat's teleconference. Regions are also encouraged to bring this issue up.
S. Herlein Leite to ask Dev Anand to prepare a graph comparing numbers of ALAC vs other AC/SO policy statements completed in T2 (Seoul to Nairobi) and those being developed in T3 (Nairobi to Brussels)
In the next 24 hours, all members of the Finance and Budget subcommittee are to look at regional input for mutualisms and overlap. CLO requests all members to be editors using either Google doc or Google wave. The ExCom may meet today to begin macro-drafting. Finance and budget subcommittee is to do micro-planning.
Staff to send Doodle as soon as possible to schedule the next Finance and Budget WG meeting to be held in the next 10-14 days.