6 March 2007 Minutes

6 March 2007 Minutes

ALAC Meeting
Tuesday 6th March 2007

Participants: Pierre, Hong, Annette, Izumi, Wendy, Vittorio, Carlos, José, Alan, Nick (Staff), Susie (Staff).

Absent with conflict: Siavash, Jacqueline

Absent: Alice (unable to contact)
Minutes by: ICANN At-Large Staff
Meeting called to order at: 13:30


There was a brief introduction by Annette who is getting better but still unable to talk much. She had requested John chair the meeting but as he has just stepped down from the ALAC she has asked Wendy to run the call.

Adoption of Agenda

Siavash and Jacqueline unable to attend. Unable to connect through to Alice

Adoption of Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Alan voted that they be adopted (requested correction in the spelling of his name)

Review of Action items from previous meeting
1. Time line for budgeting Fiscal year - Nick stated that he would have a detailed budget for the current year to send round later today but nothing for next year yet . He clarified that the budget year starts in July.
• Wendy stated that there was public interest in knowing more about budget and Annette was concerned that the figures would come in with enough time for the ALAC to carry out it’s planning.
• Nick explained that everything has been delayed and the planning process has not been started. Every part of ICANN has been cut back. It will still be possible to do all the things that have already been planned.
2. Budget forms – still waiting for them
3. Letter to ombudsman – this has been sent
4. Lisbon Working Party – has not met yet but there are some meetings scheduled.
5. Internal List Member changes - none
6. Nominations for Vice-Chair - will need to be re-opened due to change in ALAC membership
7. Draft rules of procedure - due for review Lisbon

Liaison Reports
Wendy stated that the position is essentially the same as sent round last time.
Nick suggested making a version that can be made publically available. He stated that staff can package them up but needed advice on which parts are confidential


Alan stated that this will be available in the next few days

Hong – sent to internal list, gave an update – didn’t understand
Wendy asked if the ALAC should be writing a response
Hong – the working group is writing a report which will be published in/for Lisbon. Hong said she would write a report
?? should we circulate to ALSes?
Hong – yes definitely before Lisbon meeting so they can comment

Policy Matters
Domain Tasting: Update from Nick on Issues Report, start a PDP already (WS suggests)

There was discussion as to whether the existing document was of the correct standard to be considered an Issues report (Nick will check with Glenn) and if so what would be the best route to take to raise a PDP. The options suggested being:
• Ask Gnso staff to do an issues report which will then require a positive vote to take it further
• Go straight to the Board to request a PDP
• Both of the above options combined so that if Gnso didn’t have enough vote the Board could insist the PDP be started.

Carlos/José called for a vote on trying to initiate a PDP – no objections, VOTE PASSED

Nick asked if there was anything else that needed to be added to the document aside from the comments John had made and suggested that someone volunteer to write a one page document that will then be sent to the regions for comment. This can be done for as many policy issues as required so long as the documents do not end up being too long and dense.

Izumi will draft the first round of the resolution on this subject, Nick will help with grammar etc. The due date for the draft is Tuesday 13th March.

Once done it will then be sent round to the regions to review, with the objective of asking the regions to comment and informing them that those regions and ALAC present in Lisbon want to conclude the text and present it as a resolution At-Large as a whole.

Registerfly situation: ICANN's non-enforcement of its contracts and what that means to the public as third-party beneficiary (even if such status is disclaimed in the contracts)

It was suggested that a one-page resolution on this subject could be created in a similar manner to that for the Domain Tasting / Monetisation issue.

Wendy volunteered to get this resolution drafted.

.XXX Issue

Alan – does the GAc want veto rights over new gTLDs??? Yes. Will they get it?...no…

Wendy – should the ALAC say something on our thoughts?

Alan – don’t think it’s a high priority

Wendy – does anyone think we should say anything?
Carlos/Jose – not clear if board will make a statement. Think we should say
IDNs. Why can't domain re-sellers participate in the IDN process?
LSE's GNSO review and upcoming ALAC review. Yet Another ICANN Reform Process?

Wendy Gnso – we should look at that offline and then circulate thoughts, things we might want to put into a statement.

Vittorio – most of work of the Board takes place in committees I’m not allowed to take part in or even see agendas

Membership Matters
Review of ALS Applications due for action this month - ICANN Staff
Susie stated that there are 6 ALSes (excluding Telecommunities Canada) to vote on and this will bring the vote up to date to the end of March.
An email will be sent out today with voting instructions

Review of Overdue Action on ALS Applications - ICANN Staff

Nick stated that Telecommunities Canada are aware of the issues and that this is why the vote on their application has been delayed. The ALAC would like to know why staff are reaching a different conclusion to them re Telecommunities Canada as they think that the evidence poses a Not Eligible rather than a Question status.

Nick reiterated that the ALAC are free to vote this way but that it was almost certain that Telecommunities Canada would appeal the decision.

Announcement of Voting Results - Chair (Deferred Item to Lisbon Meeting)

Regional Activities this month

Status of individual participants in RALOs

Other Matters
Activities of the Chair - A Muehlberg

Report of the Staff - ICANN Staff

Budget Matters

Preparation for Lisbon meeting

The scheduling committee has not managed to meet up yet. Nick has most of the information on the calendar.
There was a discussion about the times available for ALAC meetings and the number of meetings that should be held and it was decided that there would be 4 meetings:
Sunday 1-6pm – as this is the Tutorials afternoon this will leave the ALAC free to discuss internal/administrative matters
Tuesday 1-6pm – as this is constituency day it was decided this would be a good time to run hour long sessions on Domain Tasting, the role of the Ombudsman etc. Nick will arrange whatever staff resources the ALAC requires.
• Wendy suggested that people add items they think would be good to run a session on to the Wiki.
• Vitorrio wanted to know if a meeting with the board had been organised yet. Nick replied that he is trying to organise that today.
• Annete stated that she would like the ALAC to meet up with Kieran but reiterated that the objectives of the meeting must be prepared in advance.
Wednesday afternoon time tbc – AOB and preparation for Public Forum
Thursday 1-5.30pm – Public Forum, any issues that haven’t been addressed, announcement of PDP? Any issues not yet addressed – not necessarily staff or 5 identified issues led.
Internal rules of procedure
Vittorio has prepared a document.

Vacant European ALAC Seat

Annette asked Nick if he had sent out a message to the candidates to explain there had been a delay. Nick responded that he had not. Annette suggested that a message be prepared with Vittorio to explain that there had been procedural difficulties.

It was agreed that there was no point appointing someone before Lisbon and that if a RALO was being formed imminently an appointment should not be made before this.

Alan and Vittorio discussed the procedure for taking names to the board and the fact that the board wants names not lists. Vittorio suggested that there was nothing wrong with putting forward two names but no more than this.

Hiring Jean as web manager

Nick asked if the ALAC wanted him to action Izumi’s proposal. Wendy asked for any objections to this of which there were none.

Election of the Vice Chair of the Committee

Tabled until Lisbon meetings.

Ombudsman Investigation

Vittorio suggested we have a meeting with him in Lisbon and all agreed that this would be useful.

??? – did we reach a consensus about how to deal with the 12 recommendations
Vittorio stated that he was waiting to see if this would be on the agenda for march 13th,

??/ - I think we should convey some of our conclusions without waiting for board.

Alan stated that as the Ombudsman had said it was not in his mandate to prove the basis for his recommendations it would be useful if he would let the ALAC know what had led him to conclude that the ALAC had made an incorrect decision for educational purposes for future reference.
New Business
Proposed Change to ALS Applications Process

Alan expressed concern at the ALAC’s ability to accept proposals as he felt that the proposals were more than simply an administrative change and would have wider ramifications for ICANN and as such the Board should approve or otherwise the proposed changes.

Vittorio agreed that it is a significant change is not something that the ALAC can agree on it solely. He suggested that the ALAC decide if they were happy with the proposal and should then take it to the board and that it should also be discussed with the public.

Alan – do we want to wait until Lisbon and then discuss.

Hong – will need to discuss on Sunday ready for public meeting on Tuesday
Nick stated that the ALS guidelines and procedure would be carried over to Lisbon

Proposed Guidelines for Evaluation of ALS Applications
See above

Any Other Business

Izumi – APRALO, nick sending signed mou to ???already up on wiki, will go up publically. Giving enough time for Lisbon.

Izumi stated that he will be running for ALAC again

Pierre asked APAC members if they could share the criteria used in APAC
Izumi/Hong – yes


• Nick to ask Glenn if document is of the standard expected for Issues Report
• Izumi to write 1 page document by Sunday/Monday for public comment on Domain Tasting – Nick to help
• Annette and Vittorio to prepare a letter of apology to European ALAC candidates
• Nick to action Izumi’s proposal for hiring Jean

15:18 meetting closed