11 August Action Items
Staff to tidy up the use of initials in the notes and on the BCEC pages. Concern is identifiability.
Heidi to check with BigPulse that BCEC getting prompted when new applications come in:
- Committee is alerted when new SOI is posted
- If no new SOI, then committee does not need to log-on to BigPulse to read them.
Heidi to check on a means of removing an SOI that has been withdrawn (as in above case).
Staff to check on whether a mechanism can be added to BigPulse such that BCEC members do not have to insert password every time logging in – i.e., if password can be saved on a computer.
Staff to add a column onto the BigPulse page for encoding of the candidate names. Can be alphanumeric or any alternative deemed appropriate.
Staff to confer with NomCom regarding a mechanism that would check the quality of an SOI against the criteria that has already been established. Staff to identify key features of polling tool used by NomCom and see which features are applicable to this committee and their specific needs.
- Committee to discuss collaborative tools
Staff to contact applicants with incomplete applications and asks whether they wish to resubmit. Staff will continue applicant follow-up until the close of the SOI acceptance period.
Heidi to confer with Annalisa Roger (NARALO) regarding Hong Xue's conflict of interest in the BCEC.