05 November 2008

05 November 2008

At-Large Community - Cairo ICANN Meeting

At-Large Advisory Committee 3rd Session - Policy Wrapup Meeting

Date: 05 November 2008

Time: 10:30 - 13:00 Cairo Time

Location: San Souci II

Interpretation (Simultaneous): None

Remote participation: None

Adobe Connect Link: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/cairomeeting/ (this meeting space will remain open during the whole conference)

(Test your Adobe Connect connection and get a quick overview)

Attendees: At-Large Advisory Committee, The Security and Stabiliy Advisory Committee is invited from 1100 until 1130

Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/MT.33/6

Summary Minutes: 05 November 2008 Summary Minutes

Action Items: 05 November 2008 Action Items

Transcription: 05 November 2008 3rd Session Transcription

Recording: EN



ALAC Agenda

  • Finalise job descriptions for At-Large position (follow up from the ALAC Tuesday meeting)

Steve Crocker and other members from the SSAC are invited to join this meeting from 1100 until 1130. The topics that will be discussed are:

  • WHOIS architecture related issues
  • Overview of the last security issues affecting the DNS and end users

ALAC Agenda (Continuation)

  • Election of ALAC liaisons
  • Reporting back from from the standing Working Groups and the ad-hoc WG on the PSC and the ALAC Review mid-point report, Policy Advice Development Process WG
  • Participation and Accountability, Outreach Activities
  • Discuss new gTLD Applicant Guidebook and process (create work tracks/teams for the different sections of the Guidebook)
  • Discuss a public comment on the RAA Amendment related to publishing place of incorporation of registrars (related to more stringent mechanisms to fight Spam)
  • Preliminary discussion on the ICANN Board Review report released during this meeting