6 March 2007

6 March 2007


At-Large Advisory Committee

Monthly Teleconference - March 2007

Time: 13:30 GMT

6 March 2007 Minutes

A G E N D A (Draft)

Documents are linked for download next to the agenda items they belong to where available

Standing Agenda Items

  1. Adoption of the Agenda (viewable at 6 March 2007
  2. Apologies from Members (if any)
  3. Adoption of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting (see 6 February 2007
  4. Review of Action Items of the Previous Meeting

Liaison Reports
(To be delivered by email in advance of the meeting; noted below as a reminder to those providing the reports)

  1. ICANN Board - V Bertola
  2. GNSO - A Greenberg
  3. WHOIS - W Seltzer : draft final report at http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-dow123/msg01345.html
  4. IDNs - H Xue (Report sent to the list)
  5. ccNSO - S Shahshahani

Policy Matters for Discussion

  1. Domain Tasting: Update from Nick on Issues Report, start a PDP already (ws suggests)
  2. Registerfly situation: ICANN's non-enforcement of its contracts and what that means to the public as third-party beneficiary (even if such status is disclaimed in the contracts)
  3. gTLDs. Yes, .xxx is up for discussion again; does the GAC want veto rights over new TLD strings?
  4. IDNs. Why can't domain re-sellers participate in the IDN process?
  5. LSE's GNSO review and upcoming ALAC review. Yet Another ICANN Reform Process?

Membership Matters

  1. Review of ALS Applications due for action this month - ICANN Staff ALS Applications Tracking
  2. Review of Overdue Action on ALS Applications - ICANN Staff
  3. Announcement of Voting Results - Chair (Deferred Item to Lisbon Meeting) (really deferred, why?) vote doesn't begin until the day of the meeting so no vote to announce yet...
  4. Regional Activities this month
  5. Status of individual participants in RALOs (question from ws)

Other Matters

  1. Activities of the Chair - A Muehlberg
  2. Report of the Staff - ICANN Staff
  3. Budget Matters
  4. Preparation for Lisbon meeting alt link http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=vvq3rhenvo6dp41d4av1ocbacc%40group.calendar.google.com or Google Calendar see Lisboa Agenda
  5. Internal rules of procedure - V Bertola ALAC%20Rules%20of%20Procedure%20-%20draft%201.doc see also: Rules of Procedure.
  6. Vacant European ALAC Seat
  7. Hiring Jean as web manager
  8. Election of the Vice Chair of the Committee
  9. Ombudsman Investigation of redacted (the Ombudsman says the subjects of his investigations are confidential)

New Business

  1. Proposed Change to ALS Applications Process ALAC-2007-SD-1%20Proposed%20new%20ALS%20Applications%20Process.pdf
  2. Proposed Guidelines for Evaluation of ALS Applications ALAC-2007-SD-2%20Proposed%20ALS%20Application%20Interpretation%20Guidelines%20FINAL.pdf

Any Other Business


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2 - Installed client

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