ccNSO Liaison Report February 2010

ccNSO Liaison Report February 2010

Report on last conference call - ccNSO council meeting 9 February 2010.

Agenda :
1. Confirmation of Minutes and Actions 5th January 2010
2. Endorsement Process of Candidates to Review Team
3. ccNSO Council Workshop Nairobi
4. Working Group Updates:
4.1 Wildcard Study Group
4.2 Tech WG Update
4.3 Delegation & Redelegation WG
4.4 SOP WG
4.5 Incident Response WG
4.7 JIG WG
5. Liaison Updates
5.1 At-Large Liaison
5.2 GNSO Liaison
6. AOB


Unfortunately I was unable to attend the meeting due to other obligations (meeting with Belgian government).

The minutes of the meeting are not yet available but Ron Sherwood send me the following message to be posted in the report :

What: An open workshop on issues relating to the delegation, redelegation and retirement of ccTLDs.

Where: ICANN Nairobi, Shimba Room, plus remote participation.

When: Sunday 7 March, 14:00 - 15:30 local time.

Who: ccTLD managers, Government, other people interested in the topic.

Why: The ccNSO has established a Working Group to look at the Delegation,
Re-delegation and Retirement of ccTLD's, essentially reviewing the existing policies and guidelines used by IANA, and comparing these to the actual procedures adopted by IANA. The working group's aim is to make recommendations to the ccNSO on any gaps between policies and practices, and is not empowered to engage in any policy development process.

While the working group cannot have any specific delegation, redelegation or retirement procedure re-litigated, members of the working group are interested in specific issues that have arisen in the past, where ccTLDs have been through this process.

The Working Group is convening a 90 minute open workshop to be held on Sunday 7 March (14:00 - 15:30 hours, local time) at ICANN Nairobi, and invites stakeholders to provide presentations on issues relating to the delegation, re-delegation or retirement of ccTLDs, and their experiences with IANA. Stakeholders may be any group comprising the local Internet community.

Presentations should be concise, and will be confined to a maximum of 10 minutes per speaker, and should seek to address any perceived shortfalls between the policies and guidelines (including RFC1591, ICANN ICP1, and the Government Advisory Committee Principles on delegation and re-delegation of ccTLDs) and the actual procedure used by IANA. The session will be, at a minimum, audio recorded, and remote participation will be enabled.

Questionnaire outreach ALSes.

Furthermore the questionnaire for the ALSes I've been working on with Ron looks like this :

Proposed questionnaire to our ALSes :

Have you approached the ccTLD and suggested a collaborative arrangement? Yes - No

Has the ccTLD approached your ALS and suggested a collaborative arrangement? Yes - No

IF the answer to either of the above questions is Yes:

  • Has there been any request, or offer, of technical outreach or education (namespace or ICANN) for the community?

Are you involved in your country's ccTLD business?

  • on a daily basis;
  • once in a while;
  • none

Are you, as an ALS, a member of the ccTLD in your country ?

  • a voting board member;
  • a non-voting board member;
  • not a member;

Reason for not being a member :

  • geographic distance
  • limited knowledge of ccTLD working process
  • ccTLD does not allow external collaboration or membership
  • another ALS is already a member

Are you a partner of the ccTLD ? Yes - No
If yes, what is the relationship between your ALS and the ccTLD ?

  • regular meetings
  • exceptional meetings
  • occasional events

How often do you meet with the ccTLD ?

  • monthly
  • quarterly
  • twice a year
  • once a year

Are members of the ccTLD board members of your ALS ?

Is the ccTLD in your country a :

  • private company
  • NGO (Non Government Organization) – non profit organisation
  • public company (government involvement)
  • governed by government only

Does the ccTLD in your country work with NGO – civil society ?
What is the cost of registration for a ccTLD domain name ?

  • free of charge;
  • cost per year;
  • cost several years
  • cost for life time

Would your ALS like to be more closely involved in the activities of the ccTLD ?

  • as a partner in activities or events
  • as a board member of the ccTLD
  • as the representative organisation for the citizens

Do you think the ccTLD is open to a closer collaboration with ALSes ?