9 October 2007 - Working Practices

9 October 2007 - Working Practices

In her email to the SC (JAM; CLO; VC; RG; AM) Jacqueline suggested the following start up activities / course of action, for us to begin with "to start with a draft ToR for the work of the group, timeframes etc. and send that to the ALAC as a first step. When I thought about the group originally, I came up with the following things that the ALAC needs to do :

• Outreach membership including internal and external relationships (other ICANN committees, ICANN staff etc, as well as external like IGF and regional groupings)
• Communications – website, press, blog, etc
• Policy – ad hoc working groups and
• Strategy
• Finance (already constituted)
I don’t know if anyone else has more or a different type of list, but hopefully this can kickstart the process." end quote... To this end if other ALAC activities / priorities could be identified to the SC it would be greatly appreciated.