At-Large Director Appointment Process
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In its meeting of 27th August 2009, the ICANN Board of Directors unanimously resolved as follows:
> 'IT IS RESOLVED THAT the recommendation of the BRWG to add one voting director appointed from the At-Large Community to the ICANN Board of Directors, and removing the present ALAC Liaison to the Board, is approved in principle for implementation. Staff is directed to identify all steps required to achieve the implementation of this principle, after issuing of the BRWG Final Report.'
The proposal that one or more voting Director seats on the ICANN Board should be selected by the At-Large community is a recommendation of the recently-completed At-Large Independent Review process. The other recommendations in the Final Report of the Board's At-Large Review Working Group were approved by the Board during their meeting at the Sydney ICANN meeting in June.
As referenced in the final part of the resolution, the next step in the implementation of the resolution will be the presentation at the Seoul meeting of the full report of the BRWG (Board Review Working Group), as this element of change of the Board is a part of the broader Board review process.
In the meantime, the At-Large community's ALAC has resolved upon drawing up a process to submit to the Structural Improvements Committee of the Board at the Seoul ICANN Meeting. This section is for development of ideas and a draft process to that end.
At-Large Director Candidate Workspace
At-Large Board Selection Design Team (ABSdt) Workspace
At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) Workspace
Public Consultation on Proposed Bylaws Amendment to Add Voting Director from the At-Large Community to the ICANN Board of Directors (ends July 31st 2010)
ALAC Report to the ICANN Board Structural Improvements Committee on Processes to be used by the At-Large Community to select an ICANN Director (09 June 2010)
Preliminary Draft Report to the ICANN Board Structural Improvements Committee on Processes to be used by the At-Large Community to select an ICANN Director
Public Consultation on Proposed Process for the 2010 Selection of an ICANN At-Large Board Member(closed 6 March 2010)
ALAC and At-Large Community White Paper: Call for Community Comment on Proposed process for the 2010 selection of an ICANN At-Large Board Member
At its 22 December 2009 teleconference, the ALAC charged a small group with the task of creating initial this white paper to be distributed for wide-spread comment early in January 2010. Included in this document is a review of community discussions to date (inclusive of debate points and rationale for any recommendations made, a draft process timeline, specific issues and recommendations for community review and feedback.
It should also be noted that the proposed At-Large Board Member Selection process resulting from this community consensus building effort will be specifically designed to best meet the needs of our community and to source and seat the best available candidate in a timely manner and is not to be assumed to be a ‘fixed for the future’ standard operational procedure. Further this inaugural process will be subject to complete and rigorous review by the At-Large Board Member Design Team (ABSdt) the At-Large Board Member Committee (ABSC), At-Large and wider ICANN community both at the completion of the selection process in 2010 and before the next appointment process.
The five (5) Issues are identified in this White Paper and the following recommendations need now to be considered by the ICANN and At-Large community to elicit discussion, comment and input into each, so that final recommendations to the Board of ICANN regarding our proposed At-Large Director Appointment Process for use in this inaugural appointment post ALAC Review, has as much community support as possible. Specifically these are:
- Term of appointment.
- Director qualifications.
- Creation of list of candidates.
- Electorate.
- Voting process.
Ideas for Consideration in the development of the process - use this page to make comments and proposals
Draft Procedure for Appointment of a Director by At-Large - this page is for the development of the process based upon suggestions in the community
Questions About Legal or Other Issues - use this page to ask questions about other issues which you think may impact upon the development of the process. The Staff will ensure they get transmitted to the right staff person to get the answers.
Draft Candidate Requirements - This page is to develop the requirements for seeking election to the At-Large selected Director position.
Conference call details and draft Agenda for 27 January 2010 at 14:00 UTC
Conference call details and draft Agenda for 07 December 2009 at 08:00 UTC
Conference call details and Draft Agenda for 08 October 2009 at 1900 UTC
Useful Links
NomCom Director Requirements 2009