At-Large Elections 2009

At-Large Elections 2009

#Nominating Committee Delegates Election - (Finished 15 September 2009)

#ALAC Representatives Election - (Finished 26 September 2009)

#ALAC Board Liaison position Election - (Finished 1 October 2009)

#Liaison positions - (Finished 19 October 2009)

#ALAC Officers - (Finished 19 October 2009)

Nominating Committee Delegates Election - (Finished 15 September 2009)

On 14 September, Yaovi Atohoun (AFRALO), Hong Xue (APRALO), Olivier M.J. Crépin-Leblond (EURALO), José Ovidio Salgueiro (LACRALO), Eduardo Diaz (NARALO) were elected Nominating Committee Delegates 09/10. Click here to view the election results of the Nominating Committee Delegates Elections. The results of the election were announced on the ALAC-announce list on 15 September 2009.

The ALAC appoints, in consultation with the RALOs, one representative from each of ICANN's five geographic regions to the Nominating Committee. According to the adopted timeline for NomCom elections, the RALOs will transmit all accepted regional nominations to the ALAC on or before September 1st. The RALOs may also make a recommendation of a preferred candidate to the ALAC if they wish to do so. Please find the detailed timetable and current regional nominations on the below links.Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN By Laws that a voting member may only serve a maximum of
two consecutive years.

Individuals representing ALAC who served on the 2009 Nominating Committee are listed below. Those individuals who have now completed two consecutive terms and may not be reappointed are marked with an asterisk *

Khaled Koubaa (Africa)*
Hong Xue (Asia, Australasia and Pacific)
Matias Altamira Gigena (Latin America and Caribbean)*
Desiree Miloshevic (Europe)*
Ross Rader (North America)*

Election Timetable

> Nominations Open (in each RALO): 5th August
> Nominations Close (in each RALO): on or before 25th August
> Nomination Acceptance Deadline: on or before 1st September
> RALOs to transmit all accepted nominations, with a recommendation of a preferred candidate if the RALO wishes to provide one: on or before 1st September
> ALAC Voting Begins: 7th September
> ALAC Voting Ends: 14th September
> Notification to NomCom of Appointees: 15th September

Requirements and Obligations:

Please click here for an overview on the general obligations and requirements for NomCom Delegates as specified by ICANN's organising instruments.

Received Nominations

Election Result

Nominations for NomCom


Nominated by

Seconded by

Date Nominees accepted



Yaovi Atohoun


Yaovi Atohoun

Hawa Diakite, Baudouin Schombe, Tijani Ben Jemma, Michel Tchonang, Mohamed El Basher, Belaid Nouar, Arnold Mulenda Yamukandu, Aziz Hilali, Gabriel Bombamba Boseko, Fatimata Seye Sylla

14 August 2009



Hong Xue



Internet Users Network; Aotearoa Maori Internet Organisation; HKIF; NIIEPA; PICISOC; ISOC-HK

12 August 2009



Olivier M.J. Crépin-Leblond


Wolf Ludwig

Sébastien Bachollet, Patrick Vande Walle, Desiree Miloshevic, Annette Mühlberg, Wolfgang Kleinwaechter

18 August 2009



José Ovidio Salgueiro


José Ovidio Salgueiro

Alberto Soto (Latin American Research Insitute for Information Society - IIISI)

13 August 2008

LACRALO recommended José as regional NomCom Delegate


Cintra Sooknanan


Jacqueline Morris

Carlton Samuels (UWI), Lance Hinds (Devnet), Dev Anand Teelucksingh (Trinidad & Tobago Computer Society)

24 August 2009



Glenn McKnight


Glenn McKnight


11 August 2009



Eduardo Diaz


Eduardo Diaz


16 August 2009

NARALO recommended Eduardo as regional NomCom Delegate

ALAC Representatives Election - (Finished 26 September 2009)

By 26 September 2009, all five RALO elected their representative in the ALAC for a two-year term starting at the close of the Annual General Meeting 2009. The following individuals have been elected to the ALAC:



Confirmation Date:


Mohamed El Bashir

25 September 2009


Cheryl Langdon-Orr

25 September 2009


Patrick Vande Walle

26 September 2009


Sylvia Herlein Leite

03 March 2009 (LACRALO GA Mexico City


Gareth Shearman

28 August 2009

The RALOs elect two out of three of their regional representatives on the ALAC. The third representative is appointed by the Nominating Committee. The RALO instruments do not contain specific provisions governing the election process. The below process was proposed to the regional Secretariats by At-Large Staff.

Election Timetable

> 1. Call for election: The regional Secretariat will make a call for election (no later than 15th August 2009)
> 2. Nomination period: Nominations shall be accepted for four weeks after the Secretariat calls for nominations (up to 12th September 2009)
> 3. Acceptance deadline: The nominees need to accept their nomination no later than seven days after the nomination period ends (19th September 2009)
> 4. Election deadline: The election shall begin no later than one week after the end of the acceptance deadline (26th September 2009) and end no later than two weeks later (10th October 2009)

> Therefore, the votes would actually be cast between 26th September to 10 October 2009.

Requirements and Obligations:

Please click here for an overview on the general obligations and requirements for ALAC Members as specified by ICANN's organising instruments.

Received Nominations

Lists with regional nominations can be found on the RALO wiki pages on the 2009 elections:

APRALO Election Calls
EURALO Election Calls
NARALO Election Calls

ALAC Board Liaison position Election - (Finished 1 October 2009)

On 30 September, Vanda Scartezini from Brazil was elected ALAC Board Liaison 09/10. Click here to view the election results of the ALAC Board Liaison Elections. A detailed explanation of the voting result can be found in the announcement of the results which were sent to the ALAC-announce list on 1 October 2009.

The election process for the ALAC Board Liaison, who represents the ALAC and At-Large at the Board level has been slightly amended this year as specified by the Board Liaison Process 2009 , which was adopted by the ALAC at their August 4th meeting. Each RALO is requested to forward a list of names of nominees that have been endorsed by the RALO. The ALAC will then vote on the list of candidates using the Instant Runoff Voting system, as provided in Rule 10.4 of the ALAC Rules of Procedure. This means they will rank each candidate, from most preferred to least preferred, using the electronic voting system regularly used for ALAC voting.

Election timetable:

During its August 4 meeting, the ALAC adopted the following timetable for the Board Liaison election:

> RALO Nominations Open Until: 15th September
> Candidate Lists Published: 17th September
> Candidate Conference Call with Community: Between 18th - 20th September
> ALAC Election Period: 21st - 30th September
> Results Announced: 1st October

See also Board Liaison Process 2009 for a detailed overview of the process.

Requirements and Obligations:

Please click here for an overview on the general obligations and requirements for ALAC Liaison positions as specified by the organising instruments. Interested candidates may also want to review the Draft Position Description for ALAC Members and Liaisons which was prepared by ALAC member Alan Greenberg and is currently open for comments from the At-Large community and the Level of Commitment of Board Liaison as outlined in the Proposed Election Call Message for ALAC Board Liaison

Received Nominations

Election Results

ALAC Board Liaisons Candidates

Region(s) which have put forward the Candidate

Forwarded/Supported by RALO member(s)

Region of the Candidate

Date CandidateAccepted


Sivasubramanian Muthusamy


Aotearoa Maori Internet Organisation


Withdrawn on 20 September 2009


Sébastien Bachollet


Dessi Greve, Olivier Crepin-Leblond,Patrick Vande Walle, Adam Peake, Karaitiana Taiuru, William Drake


13 September 2009


Wendy Seltzer


Annette Mühlberg, Adam Peake, Desiree Miloshevic, Evan Leibovitch


16 August 2009


Alan Greenberg


Evan Leibovitch, Jacqueline Morris,Fatimata Seye Sylla, Mohamed El Bashir, Karaitiana Taiuru


18 August 2009


Wolf Ludwig


Darlene Thompson


Declined 20 August 2009


Carlton Samuels


Darlene Thompson


Withdrawn 28 Aug (see note)


Seth Reiss


Seth Reiss


18 August 2009


Vanda Scartezini


Vanda Scartezini, Asociación Colombiana de Usuarios de Internet, Argentina de Usuarios de Internet, Internauta Brazil, Chinese Domain Name Users Alliance, Internauta Venezuela


16 August 2009

Note: Carlton Samuels' candidacy has been withdrawn, at his request, because of his appointment 28 August by the Nominating Committee as Latin American/Caribbean representative on ALAC.

Liaison positions - (finished 19 October 2009)

The number of ALAC Liaison nominations did not exceed the number of open positions. All candidates had accepted their nominations by the time of the nomination period had ended on 19 October and could be confirmed. The following individuals will serve as the 2009/2010 ALAC Liaisons:



Region Liaison is from:

Alan Greenberg

GNSO Liaison


James Seng

IDN Policy Liaison


Rudi Vansnick

ccNSO Liaison


Patrick Vande Walle

SSAC Liaison


The elections for ALAC Liaisons to IDN Policy, GNSO, ccNSO, NCUC, SSAC and WHOIS will be conducted through a single, global election process. The ALAC will vote on the list of candidates using the Instant Runoff Voting system, as provided in Rule 10.4 of the ALAC Rules of Procedure. This means they will rank each candidate, from most preferred to least preferred, using the electronic voting system regularly used for ALAC voting.

Election timetable:

During its August 4 meeting, the ALAC adopted the following timetable for the Liaison elections:

> Nominations Open/Election Call Issued: 5th October
> Nominations Close: 19th October
> Acceptance of Nominations Due By: 26th October
> ALAC Voting Begins: 1 November
> ALAC Voting Concludes: At ALAC Chair's discretion, generally votes are held over a 5 or 7 day period

Requirements and Obligations:

Please click here for an overview on the general obligations and requirements for ALAC Liaison positions as specified by the organising instruments. Interested candidates may also want to review the Draft Position Description for ALAC Members and Liaisons which was prepared by ALAC member Alan Greenberg and is currently open for comments from the At-Large community.

Received Nominations

Election Result

Nominations for GNSO Liaison

Region of the Candidate:

Nominated By

Seconded by

Date Nominee Accepted


Alan Greenberg


Alan Greenberg

Gareth Shearman, Vanda Scartezini

06 October 2009







Election Result

Nominations for IDN Policy Liaison

Region of the Candidate:

Nominated By

Seconded by

Date Nominee Accepted


James Seng


Alan Greenberg

Vanda Scartezini

10 October 2009







Election Result

Nominations for ccNSO Liaison

Region of the candidate:

Nominated By

Seconded by

Date Nominee Accepted


Rudi Vansnick


Sébastien Bachollet

ISOC-NY,Vanda Scartezini,
Andres Piazza, Hawa Diakite

09 October 2009







Election Result

Nominations for NCSG Liaison

Region of the Candidate:

Nominated By

Seconded by

Date Nominee Accepted













Election Result

Nominations for SSAC Liaison

Region of the Candidate:

Nominated By

Seconded by

Date Nominee Accepted


Patrick Vande Walle


Sébastien Bachollet

Alan Greenberg,Vanda Scartezini

07 October 2009







Election Result

Nominations for WHOIS Liaison

Region of the Candidate:

Nominated By

Date Nominee Accepted











ALAC Officers - (finished 19 October 2009)

The number of nominations received for the ALAC officer positions did not exceed the number of open positions. All candidates had accepted their nominations by the time of the nomination period had ended on 19 October and could be confirmed. The following individuals will constitute the 2009/2010 ALAC Executive Committe:



Region Officer is from:

Cheryl Langdon-Orr



Sébastien Bachollet

Vice Chair


Alan Greenberg

Vice Chair


Carlton Samuels



According to the two motions on the formalization of the ALAC Executive Committee, which were adopted during the 25 November 2008 ALAC Meeting , the At-Large Executive Committee shall consist of a Chair, two Vice-Chairs, a Rapporteur and a fifth ALAC member from the as-yet un-represented ICANN region.

Election Timetables

> Nominations Open/Election Call Issued: 5th October
> Nominations Close: 19th October
> Acceptance of Nominations Due By: 26th October
> ALAC Voting Begins: 1 November
> ALAC Voting Concludes: At ALAC Chair's discretion, generally votes are 5-7 days in length

Requirements and Obligations

Please click here for an overview on the general obligations and requirements for ALAC Officer positions as specified by the organising instruments.

Received Nominations

Election Result

Nominations for ALAC Chair Position


Nominated By

Seconded by

Date Nominee Accepted


Cheryl Langdon-Orr


Sébastien Bachollet

Patrick Vande Walle,Alan Greenberg, Vanda Scartezini

06 October 2009


Carlton Samuels


Carlos Aguirre

Jose Ovidio Salgueiro

Declined 20 October 2009

Election Result

Nominations for ALAC Vice-Chairs


Nominated By

Seconded by

Date Nominee Accepted


Alan Greenberg


Sébastien Bachollet

Patrick Vande Walle, Vanda Scartezini

06 October 2009


Sébastien Bachollet


Patrick Vande Walle

Alan Greenberg, Vanda Scartezini

07 October 2009

Election Result

Nominations for Rapporteur Position


Nominated By

Seconded by

Date Nominee Accepted


Carlton Samuels


Alan Greenberg

Gareth Shearman, Vanda Scartezini,Sébastien Bachollet

10 October 2009







Registramos con gran satisfacción y respaldamos el nombre de Vanda Scartezini para ser miembro del Board de Icann. Su experiencia y conocimiento son garantía tanto para las organizaciones de Usuarios de Internet como para los ciudadanos de nuestos países. La transparencia, talento y capacidad de trabajo caracterizan a Vanda, quien cuenta con nuestro total apoyo y respaldo.
Antonio Medina Gómez
Asociación Colombiana de Usuarios de Internet

contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-09-02 11:00:07 GMT

La Asociación Argentina de Usuarios de Internet (Internauta) quiere hacer manifiesto su agrado y apoyo de la candidata Vanda Scartezini como ALAC Board Liaison. Ya que ha demostrado experiencia y conocimiento suficientes para garantizar la voz de los usuarios en ese espacio de participación.

contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-09-02 12:10:54 GMT

Como Internauta Venezuela nos queremos sumar a la candidatura de Vanda Scartezini como miembro del Board de ICANN. En dada una de sus intervenciones ha mostrado un profundo conocimiento de todos los temas abordados y un criterio muy equilibrado a la hora de actuar. Los usuarios vemos con esperanza su incorporación.

contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-09-02 19:46:28 GMT

Estimados compañeros de LACRALO, Vanda Scartezini es la candidata que ha sido nominada por nuestra región como LIAISON con el Board. Ella no requiere presentación porque desde mucho antes de que la LACRALO existiese, Vanda estuvo presente en ICANN y lo sigue estando hasta el presente. Participa en todas las teleconferencias, en varios grupos de trabajo, habla portugués, ingles, francés y español. Tambien conoce muy bien a todos los miembros del Board, a los líderes de las otras 4 RALOS... Sabe escuchar y se hace escuchar cuando es necesario... Por todo eso y mucho más, considero que Vanda es la candidata ideal para esta importante función de conexión entre el ALAC y el Board de ICANN
Sylvia Herlein Leite

Dear lacralo fellows, Vanda Scartezini is the candidate who has been nominated by our region as a LIAISON with the Board. She does not require to be introduce, since long before the LACRALO exist, Vanda was present at ICANN and remains to this day. She participate in all conference calls, in several working groups, speaks Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. She is also very well known to all members of the Board, leaders of the other 4 RALOS ... Good listener and can be heard when necessary ... For all this and more I believe that Vanda is the ideal candidate for this important liaison function between the ALAC and the ICANN Board.
Sylvia Herlein Leite

contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-09-02 20:19:43 GMT

Vanda's rich experience with the Board will undoubtably benefit the whole at-large community if she could be selected. I believe she would be a very good candidate for the very first voting Director of Board from the ALAC.


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